Browsing Category:Topical Curriculum

Purpose:To demonstrate the foolishness of falling into the same sins that we have seen ruin the lives of friends, family and people around us. Items Needed:A fly strip (you know, one of those long, extremely sticky fly catchers that you see hung up in barns, camps, etc.) It’s great if you can get a used one that is...
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Main Point: The Christmas season has long ago become over-marketed and commercialized, leaving many Christians robbed of the true meaning of this fantastic season. The good news is, something can be done about it if we want to change things bad enough. Discussion Starter: Skipping Christmas in KentuckyMany people believe that the Christmas season has long ago become over-marketed...
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This game gets difficult with more than 20 people; it's better for groups of 15 or less. Everyone gets in a circle and is given an animal in which they are assigned a hand motion that represents that animal. Hand Motions (a few examples):Elephant- hang one arm down with your other arm wrapped around it, holding your nose (like...
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Create a circle with chairs and one couch - enough seats for everyone playing plus one extra seat. 2 girls and 2 guys start off by sitting on the couch; everyone else in the chairs. Give every person playing a paper to write their name on. They are to turn their names in to you.Mix the names up and...
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It’s Not Fair!!! "Somebody call the Waaahmbulance!!!"Main Point: Life’s not fair. We know this, but how do we deal with it when we’re on the receiving end of the unfairness? This discussion opener helps you and your students explore just that. (The "Waaahmbulance" quote is taken from Disney’s, The Kid.) Attention Grabber: Play a game...
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Everyone think of two things about yourself that no one in the group knows. They don’t have to be embarrassing or personal . . . we’re going to share them with the group. They can be just random facts about yourself like, “I owned a poodle when I was a kid.” Or something that happened, like,...
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