An ABC TV Newsclip buy online no prescription pharmacy Main Point of Discussion: No matter how difficult the situation, we must be willing to speak up for what is right.The Movie Clip: Stealing from the BlindThis video clip is an experiment that ABC News did in January, 2009 on what it takes for people to speak up...
Main Point of Discussion: If we truly believe in Heaven and Hell, we absolutely MUST share our faith.Discussion Starter: Penn the magician gets a BiblePenn Jillette is an entertainer as well as an outspoken atheist. Despite his skepticism of God and Christians, Penn was able to look honestly at an encounter with a Christian and respect the individual.If you...
Supplies:1 Blindfold per student 150-200ft of rope (depending on group size)Chairs or Posts or Poles or ConesHave all participants sit in the middle of where you intend to construct the “maze.” Blindfold all participants BEFORE you begin building the “maze.”Participants may talk during the construction of the “maze” but MUST NOT take off their blindfolds for any reason! To...
Main Point: online pharmacy order reglan no prescription with best prices today in the USA Words cannot be “taken back,” so we should be very careful with what we say. The Activity: A Lesson from ToothpasteSay, “There are really two problems when it comes to hurtful words. First, somebody gets hurt when we lose control of our mouths....
Here’s a way you can really help students get past the music to see the message they are allowing into their heads. We call it Poetry Corner, and all you need is about 15 minutes of prep time to pull it off.Go to and browse through the Billboard Hot 100 for a song that catches your attention. If...
This Object Lesson works best in smaller groups, because the crowd needs to be able to see the Etch-A-Sketches when finished. Lemme explain: buy zetia online Bring several students up front. Using a few Etch-A-Sketches, have several teams of 2 students compete against each other in drawing a simple picture that you decide upon (something simple like...
Main Point of Discussion: To show the importance of being authentic online(Optional)The Movie Clip: “Home Life” from Napoleon DynamiteLove it or hate it, Napoleon Dynamite was one of 2004’s biggest movies. It remains very popular with kids today. No sleepover, lock in, or movie night is complete without having Napoleon Dynamite online pharmacy pepcid over the counter with best...