It’s Not Fair!!! "Somebody call the Waaahmbulance!!!"Main Point: Life’s not fair. We know this, but how do we deal with it when we’re on the receiving end of the unfairness? This discussion opener helps you and your students explore just that. (The "Waaahmbulance" quote is taken from Disney’s, The Kid.) Attention Grabber: Play a game...
Read or have a student act out:Dear Average Youth Group,I was a visitor in your youth group a while ago. I only came once and I sat in the back, so you prob’ly didn’t notice me. I’m not even sure why I went; I just heard about it and thought I’d check it out. It was an interesting service,...
This is a discussion opener that can be used during a “Split-Nite” or preceding a talk on dating, purity, or relationships. If you don't already have small groups of guys and girls, split guys and girls up in two different rooms. This opener only takes about 15 minutes. You can do this one of two ways: have the male...
Top 10 lists are sometimes fun ways to open a topic. These are best done “David Letterman” style, on PowerPoint, read one at a time.Top 10 Things A Guy Doesn't Want to Hear On A First Date 10. I shaved my sideburns for this date.9. Do you care if my great grandma comes along?8. ...
Main Point: God’s love is for everyone . . . it’s not secret. Opener: Who likes a good mystery? That's what we're going to talk about. But first, we're going to solve one: Have a 25 or 50 piece puzzle dumped on the floor before everyone arrives. Hide between 1 and 3 pieces around the room (remember...
This Skit Can be Used as a Prelude for a Discussion Starter:A family is sitting around the table getting ready to eat. A kid comes running in and hits his toe on the table. "Oh, this hurts so much! I’ve never stubbed my toe this hard, I think it’s broke." He carries on and says, "You gotta try this...
(Identity Theft Commercial “take off”)If you’ve seen those funny Citibank Identity Theft commercials, you’ll understand this idea – that someone has stolen someone else’s financial identity and used them to make fraudulent purchases. As the “victim” lip-syncs the script they take on the persona of the thief- in this case, someone who lost their innocence to some sin. Once...