Browsing Category:Openers

Main Idea: In the body of Christ different people are given different gifts and in order to best apply these gifts, believers must work together.Before Your Meeting:Gather the following: 1package of Kool-Aid (with out sugar)1 cup of sugar2 quarts of water1 pre-mixed pitcher of Kool-Aid (keep hidden)3 large take-home plastic cupsPlace the first three items on a table separately...
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This skit can be used as a great opener for the topic of “Why God allows bad things to happen” or for the topic of “Prayer.”Plot Summary: Tim feels God has failed him in his life and blames the Lord, but at the end he realizes that the Lord does indeed have a plan for his life.Main Point: We...
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As kids walk into the room, have a large target already pinned to the wall. (Or cork board--something you don't mind getting holes in.) Simply make the target out of a large piece of paper. On a nearby table, have many darts.Tell the students to draw a picture of someone they dislike or someone who has made...
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Preparation: Get two identical 12 oz. cans of soda (i.e. Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc.), open one of the cans and empty it of its contents. Leave the other can just like it is, full and closed. Place the cans in a visible place in your speaking area so all your students can see them.Opening:...
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This takes quite a bit of setup and some baking skills. Create six desserts: one real, five gross. The key is to make each dessert LOOK appetizing. We made a ketchup smoothie ("berry milkshake"), whipped mayo and strawberries ("strawberries and cream"), avocado pie ("key lime pie"), cookies with LOTS of salt and pepper with sour cream in the...
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Purpose:To demonstrate the foolishness of falling into the same sins that we have seen ruin the lives of friends, family and people around us. Items Needed:A fly strip (you know, one of those long, extremely sticky fly catchers that you see hung up in barns, camps, etc.) It’s great if you can get a used one that is...
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Purpose:To demonstrate that there can be pleasure in sin for a season, but that the reality of sin is disgusting, wrong and to be avoided. buy robaxin online robaxin online no prescription Items Needed:A pair of small, dark colored youth underwearA 2 L. bottle of dark colored pop (Pepsi, Coke, Root Beer, etc.)Styrofoam cupsPair of scissors or a...
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