The sweet taste of fruit is obvious and easy to identify. The sweetness of the fruit of the Spirit in a Christian’s life should be just as obvious...
Main Point: God never intended for Christians to live their lives in isolation. He knows we are stronger when we are together.The Discussion Starter: Breaking ToothpicksNOTE: This illustration is a great one, but you have to get a few details right to pull it off and make your point! Essentially, you’re going to show your students how easy it...
Main Point: If we want to see life and God clearly, we must live pure lives.Discussion Starter: Water Bottle PollutionYou’ll need a few ordinary props to pull off this discussion starter: two water bottles without the labels on them…and a few “dirty items” from outside such as a handful of dirt/sand, bird feathers, sticks/twigs, mushrooms, squirrel poop, etc.With your...
Main Point:The universe didn’t happen by any sort of cosmic accident. It was the intentional design of a perfect God who wants to be known.The Discussion Starter:The only thing you need for this discussion starter is something that takes some time to put together and a plastic bin to put it in. For example, you might get a kid’s...
Main Point: When we ask God to forgive our sin, He does so through Jesus Christ. Then and only then is our sin overcome and destroyed.Discussion Starter: The Ocean of AcetoneAll you need to pull off this powerful illustration is an aluminum pie pan, a marker of some sort (like a Sharpie), a Styrofoam cup, and a bottle of...
Supplies Needed:Several tables spread out around the roomRed food coloring1 clear glass (for your upfront presentation)Large bowls (preferably clear)Medium size bowls (preferably clear)Turkey basterEyedroppersCommunion cups (preferably clear)BleachCopies of Isaiah 1:18 and 1 John 1:9 printed off on paper online pharmacy buy paxil without prescription with best prices today in the USA Candles (optional…to set mood)Set Up:Before students arrive, set...
Supplies:Several small shrubs or plants (about 1 plant per 6 students)2 pairs of shears/pruning scissors per shrubStands or tables to place the plants on around the room1 printed copy of John 15:1-5 per shrub/plant 1 large trashcan in the center of the roomSet Up:After you have gathered the necessary supplies in the proper amounts, spread the plants out around...