Browsing Category:Team Builders

Team Builders

Dream Car

Supplies: Markers and Flip-Chart-sized paper for each group.Divide the group into equal numbers (usually best with groups of 50 to 80, but you can adjust accordingly for other size groups). Optimum group size would be 10 groups of 5 to 8 people per group. Give ALL the groups a black “Marks-A-Lot” marker and a sheet of...
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Team Builders

Floating Rod

Supplies: A long, light rod (ex: a tent pole - the kind that unfolds and connects to itself to make a long rod).First, place the rod on the floor and direct the youth to make two equal lines on each side, facing each other. Then instruct the youth to form their hands into fake pistols and point them...
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Team Builders

Pile Up

Supplies: A twin-sized bedsheet for each team.Activity: Make two groups of even numbers. Take the two sheets and give one to each group. Have the group lay their sheet down flat on the ground, and tell them that the entire team must stand on the sheet together at the same time, with...
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Supplies: Pen and writing pad for each team's "financial secretary."Take your youth to the mall. Divide them into small groups. Let them know that they get to spend $1,000,000 . . . well . . . sort of. They get to choose what they would spend a million dollars on "today . . ....
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Team Builders

Hula Hoop Pass

Supplies: Hula Hoops for every team you have.Get all your participants in a circle holding each other's hands. Get someone to 'unlock' one of their hands from the circle, put a hula-hoop onto his/her hand, then reconnect with the circle. The aim of this game is to get the hula-hoop around the circle and back to where...
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Team Builders

Big Bad Wolf

Supplies: LOTS of newspaper and LOTS of tape.Wanna see how well your group does building something together? Try this fun exercise.Divide students into teams of 4-6. Give each team enough newspaper and tape to build a newspaper shelter of some kind. It must be big enough to get three team members inside. Set a time limit...
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Team Builders

Pumpkin Puzzle

Supplies: Pumpkins and toothpicks for every team.This is a great competitive team mixer for the Fall. Cut up pumpkins into 8-10 pieces. Break your group into teams of 5 or 6. Have a supply of round, wooden toothpicks. Give each group two minutes to put its "jig-saw puzzle" pumpkin back together, using the toothpicks to hold the...
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