Browsing Category:Team Builders

Team Builders

Hula Hoop Pass

Supplies: Hula Hoops for every team you have.Get all your participants in a circle holding each other's hands. Get someone to 'unlock' one of their hands from the circle, put a hula-hoop onto his/her hand, then reconnect with the circle. The aim of this game is to get the hula-hoop around the circle and back to where...
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Supplies: Pen and writing pad for each team's "financial secretary."Take your youth to the mall. Divide them into small groups. Let them know that they get to spend $1,000,000 . . . well . . . sort of. They get to choose what they would spend a million dollars on "today . . ....
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Team Builders

Pile Up

Supplies: A twin-sized bedsheet for each team.Activity: Make two groups of even numbers. Take the two sheets and give one to each group. Have the group lay their sheet down flat on the ground, and tell them that the entire team must stand on the sheet together at the same time, with...
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Supplies: A white 5 gallon bucket for each team.This team builder can be played indoor or outdoor. This quick game can be used in many different ways. Get as many white, 5 gallon buckets as you have teams. Turn the bucket upside-down. The object is to see how many of their team members they can get...
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Supplies: Toilet Paper.It’s simple. Just see how long your team can keep one square of toilet paper in the air by blowing it. Team members are NOT allowed to actually touch the toilet paper; they can only use their breath. Give each team three tries (if multiple teams, do it simultaneously). Added by Young...
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Team Builders

Grab It!

Supplies: A quarter, a bucket filled with water, a bar of soap...and if inside, lots of towels! Divide into two teams. Put them into two lines parallel and next to one another (about 3 feet apart) sitting down and holding hands. At the back of the line put a bucket of water with a bar of soap in...
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Supplies: None.ONLY DO THIS if you have a pool wide enough that someone falling CAN’T hit the edge! Play this with guys in the pool and girls on the side. Guys stand back to back as girls try to walk across their shoulders - holding guys outstretched arms for balance - to the opposite side of the...
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