ÒPaintÓ a picture of spring or something similar. Call kids from the club to come up and stand and be (mime/act out) things like a babbling brook, lovers in a canoe, rocks, trees, etc. Also have a kid come up and run around the group to be a frame. Depict beautiful nature scene. Then narrator gradually has the brook...
Gross but funny skit! Props: peanut butter, bread, jacket for the nervous guy which hides his pit stains at first. 3 characters: girl, guy, and another guy who has large pit stains on his shirt. Nervous boy comes over (wearing a jacket over his pit-stained shirt) to girl's house to pick her up for a date. Brother of girl...
You will need a brave student volunteer, a tank shirt or sleeveless shirt for both the truck driver (youth leader) and student, large jar of peanut butter, and a loaf of bread. Call your two volunteers ahead of time and emphasize that they must be freshly showered! online pharmacy https://staycobblestone.com/wp-content/uploads/imagecleanup/0/logs/topamax.html no prescription The truck driver (youth leader) and student...
For this skit you need: 1 teacher and at least 4 pupils (preferably 6), enough chairs for each pupil, and a teacherÕs desk.Teacher is waiting for class to arrive.Pupil 1 runs in.Teacher: What is your name and why are you late?Pupil 1: Sorry MaÕam/Sir. My name is Michael and I was throwing pebbles in the lake. (Pupil...
"Frankie Fingers and Harry Hands" meet and embrace each other. They tell where theyÕve been in the last few years (like what prisons they were in, etc.), and as they say goodbye, one says to the other, "Oh, you may want this." He gives him back his watch. They exchange multiple articles which theyÕve ÒpickedÓ off each other until...
online pharmacy diflucan for sale with best prices today in the USA This is an outlandish, fun way to introduce a new leader (or just get a leader from a neighboring group/club who no one knows). As the prize for one of your games, announce that the winner will get a free small pizza from [fill in pizza place...
This is an easy to perform skit in which seven people are used. All seven persons (A,B,C,D,E,F, and G) simply stand in front of the audience and read the script below when their turn comes. To introduce the skit, announce that this is what happened one day when you were trying to find a radio station to listen to....