Browsing Category:Ask The Source

Jonathan,I just took a full time youth pastor position a few months ago and this is my first time. I'm still learning how to do everything, including preaching. I'm getting better at preaching but I don't know how to effectively end the service. Right now I usually conclude with reviewing my points and giving people time...
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I had a question, and was looking for your opinion on - Tattoo's, I had a student ask me about them, and me being a person of 2 tattoos, was maybe looking for someone else's opinion on the subject. thank you inadvance for your time.CharisseAnswerCharisse,I think that anyone that has a tattoo is going to Hell! Oh... you...
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Jonathan,I just wanted to thank you for a great website. All of the information from your website is now contained in a 3 ring binder that I can count on to point me towards a good game for our kids on a weekly basis. Our group of over a hundred is taking two busses up to the mountains this...
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Jonathan,One of my friends told me that you have events like scavenger hunts on your site. I've been on your site - and I haven't seen one! Where are they?BillAnswerBill,Let's see ... where would I go to find an event ... possibly ... THE EVENT & ACTIVITY IDEAS PAGE! Then, get in your car, drive to the nearest Wal...
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