Jonathan,How do you have closure for a youth group when there is a change in leadership? My wife and I are working with a youth group. In the beginning we were the only leaders, we had no staff, or volunteers- so we got really close to the teens in our group. There is now 3 other Male adults that...
Dear Jonathan,I am a very young youth just getting into evangelizing. I go to a secondary school and I find it hard to get a hold of my classmates, especially to talk about God. We have religious instructions (r.i.) about once a week and even after r.i. they still don't want to talk. Also, when they have certain problems...
Jonathan,I have been planning to start a Christian Youth Fellowship club at my public school. I have a friend who has wanted to help lead it with me. She has many other ideas about it though. She doesnÕt think that it should be an outreach club. She believes that it should only be for "devoted Christians". One of the...
Jonathan,I thought that I was following what the Bible says but all the complaints I got from parents was unbelievable. I am having youth sign a "Covenant" form before our new school year starts. The "Covenant" was not a problem, it has been done it the past. It goes over rules and information about our meetings. Different this year...
Jonathan,I was wondering about the importance of having your wife actively involved in your ministry. I am in college and I am not yet married but I believe I have found the person I am supposed to marry. The problem is that recently she changed majors and is planning on having a type of ministry in family law. This...
Jonathan,I am listening to Doug Fields at the moment about hurts and he keeps referring to young people as students and it's really, really annoying me! I was just wondering...why do you call young people 'students?' Does it mean that you only work with university students?PhilKent, EnglandAnswerPhil,Wow. I never realized someone could be annoyed by the word "students." Maybe...
Jonathan,I have a ministry that involves mentoring urban kids. They range in age from 9-19. Basically I try to do for them everything a caring father would do for them .... rides to sports, shopping, etc ... alot of day to day stuff. Ok, here is the background and the problem. When the kids do some work for me...