Stupid Skits
One Minute
IMPORTANT NOTE: online pharmacy buy zetia no prescription online pharmacy This skit will ONLY work if you have 6 actors that have...
Stupid Skits
Dog Poop
Here's a disgusting and hilarious skit that gets tons of laughs.Actors:Two people who are out for a walk or run. The actors should...
Stupid Skits
This skit is one you can use to involve the crowd.Have a person dressed up in some coveralls of some sort of a...
Ezine Archives
eZine 08.22.2007 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles...
Ezine Archives
eZine 08.15.2007 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles...
Movie Reviews
Blades of Glory (8/28/2007)
Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual humor, language, a comic violent image and some drug references.Directed by Josh Gordon and Will Speck online...