Team Builders
Video Parables
Supplies: Video camera for each team.You could turn this activity into a full blown event. But for the purpose of teambuilding,...
Team Builders
Super Sundae
Supplies: One really big bowl for each team, LOTS of ice cream, and LOTS of condiments. online pharmacy actos buy with...
Team Builders
Sound Effects
Supplies Needed: A blank tape and tape recorder or digital recorder for every team.Instructions: Each team has 15 minutes to record the sounds...
Team Builders
Grab It!
Supplies: A quarter, a bucket filled with water, a bar of soap...and if inside, lots of towels! Divide into two teams. Put...
Music Discussions
Whatever It Takes
Main Point: What are the things you are willing to push your limits to achieve? We push our limits sometimes to get in...
Music Discussions
This Is America
Main Point: When we look around and see the brokenness of this world, it can lead us to pursue things with the hope...