Fun Event & Activity Ideas

Amateur Olympics

We rented out a local gymnastics club for the night. We didn't tell the students what we were doing but told them to wear “athletic clothing” because we would be doing something physical.

We set the night up like an Olympic gymnastics meet. There were four events that the students rotated through: beam, vault, floor and trampoline. There were judges at each event who judged the students on creativity, style, fun factor, etc. They held up scores at the end of each event they did. They also kept track of all the scores for the event.

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Before we started, the students were divided into teams and had to create a team name and flag. Then they marched into the gym waving their flag.

Event Details:

  • For the beam we used a low beam that was only a few inches off of the floor. The students had about a minute to do their best and most creative routine on the beam.
  • For the floor we had a CD player and turned on random music that the kids had to create a routine to…on the spot (this was the most fun!!).
  • For the trampoline they got judged on how high they jumped, creativity, and style. Make sure you have a couple of adult leaders close by to keep this one safe!
  • For the vault they had two tries to get over, under or around it as creatively as possible.

After they had rotated through all the events we had an awards ceremony and gave out medals for each event. We gave away a gold, silver and bronze for each of the 4 events and then we gave an award to the team that had the highest total of points.

At the end of the night, make sure to have a good supply of pizza handy for the appetites that have been worked up!

Added by Stacy Goebel, Phoenix, AZ


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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