Movie Reviews

World’s End, The (11/19/2013)

Rated R for pervasive language including sexual references.

Starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, Eddie Marsan, Rosamund Pike and Paddy Considine

Directed by Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz Hot Fuzz)

Dynamic ImageMaybe it was the subject matter or maybe it was one too many films for this group of friends, but I couldn’t wait for The World’s End to end.

Twenty years after attempting an epic pub-crawl, five childhood friends reunite when one of them becomes determined to try the drinking marathon again. They are convinced to stage an encore by mate Gary King, a 40-year old man trapped at the cigarette end of his teens, who drags his reluctant pals to their hometown and once again attempts to reach the fabled pub – The World’s End. As they attempt to reconcile the past and present, they realize the real struggle is for the future, not just theirs but humankind’s. Reaching The World’s End is the least of their worries.

In my opinion Hot Fuzz is “Theater Worthy,” Shaun of the Dead a “Rental,” and The World’s End is an “Only If Free.” This one isn’t as brilliant as Hot Fuzz – which I can watch over and over – or as well executed as Shaun of the Dead.

They did do a few things right, like the fight scenes. These were a mix of The Matrix and The Grandmaster – not graphic (because they are fighting “robots”) but visually, they are very cool.

There are also a few heart-warming moments between Pegg and Frost, who have fantastic chemistry. This time Pegg is the idiot who’s more likely to get himself killed and Frost is the sensible one who cares too much, in spite of all the let downs.

And there are plenty of “let downs.” King is an extremely selfish and flawed character. He spends most of the film talking his friends into drinking, doing drugs, chasing women and other inappropriate behavior…even drinking several drinks that were left unfinished by other customers. King is very immature and drags his friends down to his level over and over again.

Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright have made some really funny films…although this one was not their best. Hopefully the next one (Antman) is much better.

With all the drinking and F-words I can’t go higher that a “Only if Free.” However, I’m still looking forward to Antman.

No, I would let this one pass by your kids.

Although there is no sex or nudity, there are plenty of conversations about sex. The F-word is used almost 100 times and there is plenty of violence.


  1. What does King get his friends to agree to do?

  2. How does he get his friends to agree to do the “pub crawl”?

  3. Read 1 Corinthians 15:33

      Don’t fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you.

  4. In your own words, what is this verse telling us?

  5. How have you gotten into trouble because of “bad friends”? What happened?

  6. What can you do this week to protect yourself from “bad friends”?


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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