Movie Reviews

Underdog (12/18/2007)

Rated PG for rude humor, mild language and action.

Directed by Frederik Du Chau (Racing Stripes)

Starring Jason Lee (voice), Jim Belushi, Peter Dinklage, Patrick Warburton, and Brad Garrett (voice)

Never fear…Underdog is here!

The story begins with Underdog, a member of the K-9 Unit, being dismissed after he mistakenly “identifies” a box full of explosives during a press conference, only to find a freshly baked ham inside. After being kicked off the force, Underdog finds himself in the high-tech lab of the mad scientist, Dr. Simon Barsinister (Peter Dinklage). Because of an accident, this ordinary, down-and-out beagle is given extraordinary powers, including the ability to fly and to speak in rhyme… (yeah, you love it). Now with an old varsity sweater and a cape for a costume, this superhero will protect the citizens of Capitol City. As if you didn’t see this coming from a mile away… Barsinister and his overgrown henchman Cad (Patrick Warburton) hatch a sinister plot to destroy Capitol City and it is up to Underdog to save the day.

TODD: I’m giving Underdog a Theater Worthy score…as long as I don’t look ridiculous (you’ll get that once you see the movie). Seriously, I loved this movie.

JONATHAN: I agree Todd. I think this was a hilarious film. I actually came into the film with low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. Corny? Yes. Predictable and even a little cliché? Absolutely. This film won’t be winning any awards. But it was good fun.

TODD: I was surprised too. When the opening scene was the old school cartoon…and Underdog didn’t fly through a TV to turn into a real dog…I knew it was going to be good. Sure some of the effects were cheesy, but I thought the story was pretty solid and clever. Especially paralleling the characters of Underdog and Dan Unger (Jim Belushi), who was a police officer and eventually adopts Underdog.

JONATHAN: Belushi did a good job. There was some really great talent in this film (which made up for some of the “not so great talent.”) I thought Jason Lee did a great voice once again (he was great as Syndrome/WonderBoy in The Incredibles), and Patrick Warburton as Cad was riotous (my favorite line from him: “You are letting your blind grandfather move the couch?!!”). I also always enjoy Peter Dinklage, the “height impaired” gentleman from the movie Elf. He's always hilarious!

TODD: I’m sorry… did you say “Riotous?”

JONATHAN: Yeah. Do you need a dictionary?

TODD: No. But apparently you have a thesaurus. Anyway… I agree. Jason Lee is great no matter what he does and Patrick Warburton (or, as he will forever be known to me, Puddy from Seinfeld) is one of my favorites.

JONATHAN: I watched the film with the whole family and we were all laughing.

TODD: Probably because it was so “riotous.”

JONATHAN: I got a couple other words for you too Todd, but they start with a different letter!

TODD: O.K. seriously, my family loved it too. We had a great time watching it and we are still quoting some of the lines.


JONATHAN: It was PG for rude humor. PG is pretty accurate. It would have been completely clean except for a few references to poop or sniffing butts and a couple questionable lines that will go over the heads of most younger kids. For example: a female dog admiring Underdog made a comment like “no hose could spray water cold enough to keep me away from him.” But I watched it with my kids and didn’t regret it. It was a fun family film.

TODD: I agree. It was good fun. But another thing I didn’t care for was the tag line on the poster which read “One Nation Under Dog”. A little bit irreverent. But overall a fun film.

Conversation Starter
Three Simple Questions (with Answers You May Be Looking for):

  1. What are some of the messages or themes you observed in this movie?
  2. How do you suppose we—as serious Christ-followers—should react to this movie?
  3. How can we move from healthy, Bible-based opinions about this movie to actually living out those opinions?


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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