Browsing Tag:Spencer


Spencer-Negan-TWDby Thom McKee Jr.

Have you ever had to choose sides when it really mattered? I am not talking about Star Wars vs. Star Trek, or Dawn of the Dead

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vs. The Walking Dead (can I say that I like all of them?). I am talking about really having to choose sides. Maybe at work you have had to decide whether to side with labor or management. Or maybe at school you have had to decide whether to side with the popular kids or the nerds (not a difficult decision for me. Go nerds!).

I remember one time in Jr. High I even decided to

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The-Walking-Dead-Father-Gabrielby Thom McKee Jr.

Do actions speak louder than words?


But do actions speak louder than our thoughts?

Think about it. Where do our behaviors actually come from? They aren’t all just instincts. It can be argued that some actions might be considered fight or flight. But when you really look at it, is there actually an action that we take that doesn’t say something about how we think?

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