Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence.
Starring John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill
Directed by J.J. Abrams (Star Trek and Super 8)
Most of the time films do not live up to their hype. Not only does Star Wars: The Force Awakens live up to the hype, it surpasses it.
Thirty years following the battle of Endor, the Resistance is still hard at work rebuilding the galaxy from the ashes of the Empire. Remnants of the Empire, namely the First Order, threaten to unbalance the fragile peace in the galaxy. Echoes of the past overshadow the events in the present as two young people begin a journey that will take them to the far reaches of the galaxy looking for answers to the ongoing conflict between the light and Dark Side of the Force.
TODD: If you are over 40, this is the Star Wars film you have been waiting a lifetime to see.
JONATHAN: No doubt—and maybe even if you are over 30. This film was truly amazing in all aspects. And I don’t even have to think very hard when I say, this is truly one of the best films I’ve ever seen. And that’s not something you hear me say often.
TODD: I can vouch for that.
JONATHAN: Yes, the film was nostalgic because it brings us back to one of the most important and loved films from our childhood, but it also stands on its own. This film had every element audiences want (except gratuitous sex and violence).
TODD: You’re right about nostalgia. For our generation, this film brings back memories. Jonathan, what’s your earliest Star Wars
JONATHAN: I remember listening to this film on audio tape—before VCRs—in my friend’s car on a trip with his family. We could picture every scene in our minds, even though we had only seen it once in the theatre. Good times.
TODD: My first memory was with the action figures…not dolls. But I do remember going to see Empire Strikes Back with my dad, and like Jonathan, I was hooked immediately.
JONATHAN: My generation loved the films. Sadly, this new generation of young people hasn’t had the opportunity to truly experience this kind of Star Wars magic… until now!
TODD: Before Episodes I, II and III were released, most people believed a whole new generation would fall in love with Star Wars. But those films failed to capture the hearts of movie goers like the original trilogy did. I believe that is all going to change and younger audiences will experience the magic we all know and love. The Force Awakens felt both nostalgic and new at the same time.
JONATHAN: You’ve nailed it Todd. If someone walked into the theatre with no Star Wars knowledge at all… they’d still love this film. The amazing thing is that director J.J. Abrams pulled off this feat (much like the original) with a relatively unknown cast.
TODD: The cast consists of both fresh faces and some very, very familiar faces. The fresh faces include John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver. I was so impressed by their performances and by how quickly I fell in love with them.
JONATHAN: I was impressed that they could actually act. Let’s be honest. The Star Wars franchise has been busting at the seams with bad acting: Hayden Christianson, Mark Hamill (yes, I said it) and many of the one-line-wonders. But not so with John Boyega and Daisy Ridley (Finn and Rey). You couldn’t have asked for more from two no-names. I can’t wait to see more of them.
And as a kid who grew up watching the original trilogy… yes… I almost got choked up when I saw Han, Chewy and the old gang again.
(Kleenex please. I’m tearing up!)
TODD: I couldn’t agree more. Seeing Han Solo…yes I said Han Solo, not Harrison Ford… Chewy, Princess Lea, Luke and the droids was amazing! All of the chemistry, drama and humor was there just like in the original films.
JONATHAN: Glad you mentioned the humor. This film was funny. The whole theatre was eating it up!
TODD: It was hilarious one moment and heart-wrenching the next.
JONATHAN: I’m so glad the franchise went with J.J. Abrams. For those who don’t know who he is, I encourage you to go back and watch Super 8, Mission Impossible III, or the two newest Star Trek films. Or jump on Netflix and watch the TV series Lost or Alias. Abrams has been delivering for a long time; and he has truly created a masterpiece with this one.
TODD: Again I totally agree. And besides a killer story, the special effects are absolutely mind blowing…especially in 3D.
JONATHAN: Yes, and nice try. Todd always tries to get me to like 3D. Can’t stand it. I’ve seen this film twice already and watched it in normal format both times. 3D is for suckas.
TODD: That’s me!
JONATHAN: I love this film. Love it! Can’t wait until it comes out on Blu-ray. I might even by a 3D copy in case people like Todd come over to my house.
TODD: The Force is definitely strong with this one…it’s “Worth Buying.”
Yes. I actually loved how clean this film is. There is nothing offensive and in fact, it reminds us that movies can be wildly entertaining and clean.
- Finn tells Rey, “I’m ashamed of what I was. I’m done with The First Order.” He turned his back on his horrible past, and cast his eyes on the future. What are some common elements people would love to leave in their past?
- The Bible shares some comforting truth about overcoming our past. In II Corinthians 5:17 it reads:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (NIV)What does it mean to be “in Christ”?
- According to the verse, when you believe in Christ and become a new creation, what happens to the old?
- What might be some of the old behaviors in your life that you’d wish could be gone?
- According to the verse, when the old leaves, what comes?
- What could be some of the “new” in your life if you let Christ remove the old?
- What does that look like in your life this week?
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.