Movie Reviews

Seven Pounds (3/31/2009)

PG-13 for thematic material, some disturbing content and a scene of sensuality.

Directed by Gabriele Muccino (The Pursuit of Happyness)

Starring Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson, Michael Ealy, Robinne Lee

Seven seconds can change your life, and one man can make a difference. That’s what Seven Pounds is about.

Jonathan’s Word: Not your typical Will Smith film. Don’t expect Independence Day Will Smith… this is closer to the The Pursuit of Happyness Will.

Todd’s Word: Not your typical film either.

Jonathan’s Word: I guess that’s a double edge sword. The story was really well written and the performances were excellent. As I sit here and reflect on the film I’m actually still intrigued by it. It was very compelling…

Todd’s Word: So how’s that a double edge sword?

Jonathan’s Word: Because even though the film was all that… I was actually bored at times.

Todd’s Word: Really?

Jonathan’s Word: Yeah. It reminded me of the typical Oscar Winner. You know, the film that is almost painfully boring, but when it’s all over, you say, “Wow, that was a good story!” Then it wins 13 awards.

Todd’s Word: Were you on ADD meds as a child?

Jonathan’s Word: Huh? Sorry, I didn’t hear you, my mind was wandering. But why don’t you go ahead and give us the synopsis of this film. But tread lightly… I don’t want you giving any spoilers.

Todd’s Word: That’s not going to be an easy task, but here goes:

Will Smith stars as Ben Thomas, a man who is clearly on a mission to help change the circumstances of other people. He goes door to door flashing his IRS identification—sometimes hospital to hospital—“auditing” people… not their finances. He shows up at inconvenient times and asks some pretty personal questions. It appears he wants to know if they are “good people” and if they deserve preferential treatment. But Ben isn’t just investigating their finances… he’s doing much, much more.

Jonathan’s Word: Not bad.

Todd’s Word: Thanks. Have you seen the trailer for Seven Pounds? Did you have any idea what it’s about? I watched and re-watched the trailer about a dozen times but it wasn’t until the last 15 minutes of the film that I knew what was happening.

Jonathan’s Word: I saw the trailer when it first came out… but didn’t have a clue what the film was about either.

Todd’s Word: The story begins with Ben saying, “In seven days, God created the world. In seven seconds, I shattered mine.” It’s that shattered life that causes Ben to change the lives of seven complete strangers. Although it is clear that he is motivated by guilt and there are a few flashbacks, it’s not till the final moments that all the pieces fall into place. Don’t worry I won’t give that away.

Jonathan’s Word: I’m glad I didn’t even know that going into the film. It took me a while to figure out that much.

Todd’s Word: This is not my favorite Will Smith movie and there are times where he is difficult to watch. But once you understand what this movie is about…you realize he’s amazing.

Jonathan’s Word: His performance? Yes. But it’s still a little dry, and it will be a little dark for some.

Todd’s Word: I didn’t feel that way. Gabriele Muccino directed another gut wrenching film.

Jonathan’s Word: I preferred his The Pursuit of Happyness. I’ll score this as a mere “Rental.”

Todd’s Word: I’m giving it a “Theater Worthy.”

The PG-13 rating is for a typical PG-13 sex scene between Ben and Emily where we see them taking each other's clothes off and collapsing onto the bed. As well as for some disturbing content and thematic material that deals with death, guilt and suicide.

Conversation Starter
Three Simple Questions (with Answers You May Be Looking for):

  1. What are some of the messages or themes you observed in this movie?
  2. How do you suppose we—as serious Christ-followers—should react to this movie?
  3. How can we move from healthy, Bible-based opinions about this movie to actually living out those opinions?


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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