We rented out a local gymnastics club for the night. We didn't tell the students what we were doing but told them to wear "athletic clothing" because we would be doing something physical. We set the night up like an Olympic gymnastics meet. There were four events that the students rotated through: beam, vault, floor and...
LetÕs say you are in a small townÉin the middle of the Mojave DesertÉand you really wanna doing some ice skatingÉwhat do you do? Check this one out.Call up a nearby ice skating rink (most larger cities now have them) and reserve it for your group. Take your entire group and play Broom Hockey. Students do...
(Blinding Edge Pictures, 2002)Main Point of Discussion: God is our comfort in times of crisis.The Movie Clip: Miracle or luck?Tragedy yanks us out of our comfort zone and leaves us with nothing to grasp but our faith and hopes. If we have no faith and don't truly hope . . . then tragedy leaves us empty. The movie Signs...
TOPIC: When life stinks, Existence of God, SufferingFILM: Tears of The Sun“Tears of The Sun” is a powerful film and this suggested clip is meant to birth a thought-provoking discussion about crisis of belief or cynicism. The info about the Navy SEALs (below) can be referred to with the additional questions provided. Use this discussion to...
If you haven't already seen the Mimi Leder film "Pay It Forward" online pharmacy https://yoga-psychology.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/themes/priligy.html no prescription pharmacy with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, James Caviezel, and Haley Joel Osment, I recommend checking it out. This isn't an action flick, it's not a comedy, it's a compelling drama that follows the efforts of a young boy who...
Raterd PG-13, 2003, New Line CinemaMain Point: We must have accountability and must continue to get rid of the evil in our lives.Attention Grabber: Movie - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingThe Return of the King is the third film of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The film continues its legacy with a...
Main Point: Fulfillment in life; no regrets.The tagline for this movie is: Nobody ever grows up quite like they imagined. Introducing the Clip: Today we'll see a clip from the movie The Kid. It's about an image consultant (played by Bruce Willis) who has an inferiority complex with the distinct honor of being despised by many people. He...