Rated PG for some adventure action, and brief mild language.Starring Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson, Vanessa Hudgens and Luis GuzmanDirected by Brad PeytonAre you up for an adventure?Then check out the family adventure Journey 2: The Mysterious Island begins when seventeen-year-old Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson) receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island where no island should...
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Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of war violence.Starring Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson and David ThewlisDirected by Steven SpielbergA horse is a horse unless of course…never mind. Directed by Steven Spielberg, War Horse is based on the hit stage play, which in turn was based on the novel by Michael Morpurgo. The story begins in rural Devon in 1913, when...
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The Duo of Jonathan and CharlotteMain Point: Human beings simply cannot be judged based on their appearances. If we really want to make an informed decision about others, we have to look at their heart…like God does.Discussion Starter: The Duo of Jonathan and CharlotteAll of us remember the shock and awe we experienced several years ago when we first...
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Today I went to connect with specific kids and remind them of the event we’re having tonight.First lunch I made my way into the cafeteria and said hi to a few kids…then asked the lunch duty guy how his day was…after 30 minutes I’d heard all about his 7 and 9-year-old sons and how they’d been bullied in school. ...
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This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on StudentMinistry.orgThe location wasn’t anything special—a multi-purpose room of a small little church. But about 70 students, gangbangers and high school dropouts from the community were gathered, laughing, playing games and having fun.Games? Really?!30 minutes later the leader told a story and began a discussion about real life...
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This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on StudentMinistry.org“My 6th grader is hangin’ out with a 12th grader!”“Sorry, we don’t have enough leaders to divide into smaller groups.”Last week I had the opportunity to speak at a small-town Christian event in Ohio. I ate lunch with a group of youth workers from the area before...
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This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on StudentMinistry.org It doesn’t matter the size of the town, I see the same thing in almost every place I visit: the body of Christ divided into different buildings only blocks apart. Typically, the lines of communication between these churches are frayed if they even exist at...
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