(Sony, 1995)Main Point: We must be willing to stand up for our beliefs and principles even if we have to pay a price for them. The Movie Clip: Adios ReverendThe Quick and the Dead is not only a phrase associated with Christianity (the “quick” meaning “alive” and “dead” meaning, well, “dead”), it was also a star-studded western film from...
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walking-dead-season-4-3Every week The Walking Dead forces record audiences to wrestle with morality issues, which is probably why Talking Dead’s Chris Hardwick read this question from a fan after this week’s episode, Isolation:

“It seems like everyone is losing loved ones. Do you think it’s important to care about people during a zombie apocalypse or is survival the only goal?

Rick and Hershel seem to be wrestling with that very issue in this episode when Hershel insisted on risking with his own life to go and care for the sick

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Music Discussions

The Monster

Main Point of Discussion: We all struggle with our fallen nature, and Jesus Christ is the only solution to the destructive 'monster' that lives inside us.The Song: “The Monster”Eminem and Rihanna have teamed up again to produce another smash hit, but the theme of “The Monster” is radically different than “Love the Way You Lie.” In this collaboration, a...
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(Columbia Pictures, 1984)Main Point: We should obey God even when we don’t understand Him because He has always been trustworthy and faithful…and He always will be. The Movie: The Karate Kid (1984) was a great 80s film about a young man from New York named Daniel who relocated to sunny California…but ran into trouble when he got there....
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Rated PG for thematic elements, a scene of violence, some suggestive content and brief language.Starring Adrienne Bailo, Ja Rule, Michael Madsen, Stephen Baldwin and Toby MacDirected by Steve RaceI’m not in love with this Church Movie.Cars. Good looks. Mansions. Money. Women. Miles Montego has it all. Including a past. He was king of the streets as a high-level drug...
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Rated R for violence and language throughout.Starring Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel, Sam Neill, Vincent D'Onofrio, Vinnie Jones, Amy Ryan and 50 Cent online pharmacy bactroban no prescription with best prices today in the USA Directed by Mikael Hafstrom (The Rite)I kept looking for a way to escape the theater. One of the world's foremost authorities on structural...
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Walking-Dead-Season-4-2After a week of waiting in anticipation after last week’s cliffhanger ending of Season 4’s record-breaking premiere episode of The Walking Dead, audiences are beginning to fear a new enemy this season… the virus.

An impressive 13.9 million viewers returned to watch The ?? Walking Dead Sunday night, a number not quite as large as the week prior, probably because many people were like me, watching Payton Manning return to Indy to battle the Colts, only to watch a recorded The Walking Dead the next day. Episode 2, “Infected,” still drew the second biggest audience for the show, and probably will prove to be the second most watched show of the week, only beat out by the Broncos’ depressing loss.

“Infection” Sancaktepe began with a dead Phineas… er… I mean… Patrick (who will ever be known to teenagers as the voice of the beloved cartoon character wholesale MLB jerseys Phineas) roaming the halls

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