(Paramount, 2008)Main Point: Though it might not look like it at times, and we might not understand it at other times, God is in complete control over the entire universe. The Movie Clip:The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was Hollywood’s take on the literary work of the same name by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Brad Pitt (and a few other...
Rated PG for thematic material, brief violence and an accident scene.Starring Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David A.R. White, Dean Cain, Wilie Robertson and Korie RobertsonDirector Harold Cronk (Silver Bells and Jerusalem Countdown)How far would you go…to defend your belief in God?Present-day college freshman and devout Christian, Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper), finds his faith challenged on his first day of...
Main Point: There are times in life when we despair like the disciples did on the “Friday” that Jesus was killed and buried. But we must not lose hope because “Sunday” is coming. The Discussion Starter:This video clip is actually taken as an excerpt from a famous sermon delivered by Rev. S. M. Lockridge, an African-American preacher of...
Rated PG-13 for intense and bloody depiction of The Crucifixion, and for some sequences of violenceDirected by Christopher Spencer (The Bible)Starring Diogo Morgado, Roma Downey and Sebastian KnappAs you might expect, the movie is good, but the book is so much better. Now, the larger-than-life story of The New Testament gets a larger-than life treatment in the stand-alone feature...
Rated R for language throughout including some sexual references.Starring Kurt Russell, Matt Dillon and Jay BaruchelDirected Jonathan SobolNot the worst heist film, but not the best either. Crunch Calhoun (Kurt Russell), a third rate motorcycle daredevil and semi-reformed art thief, agrees to get back into the con game and pull off just one more lucrative art theft with his...
The verse, “Thou shalt not kill” comes to mind (in the King James, no less), but yet if we explore the scriptures, we will also find countless examples of capital punishment to protect the weak and take care of murderers. (for example, Duet 19: 11-13)
So if someone is going to kill your baby, is it okay to kill them?
This week’s The Walking Dead episode was ripe with discussions about situational ethics. In the first 10 minutes, Carol and Mika duked it out about morality
Rated R for strong sustained sequences of stylized bloody violence throughout, a sex scene, nudity and some language. buy sinequan online sinequan online no prescription Starring Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena Headey, Hans MathesonRodrigo Santoro and David WenhamDirected by Noam Murro (Smart People)Just as violent as 300, but without the depth of the story or Gerard Butler. Based on...