Movie Reviews

Rock of Ages (10/9/2012)

Rated PG-13 for sexual content, suggestive dancing, some heavy drinking, and language. Extended Cut rated R for some sexual content.

Starring Russell Brand, Alec Baldwin, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Paul Giamatti and Tom Cruise

Directed by Adam Shankman (Hairspray and The Pacifier)

Dynamic ImageThis movie is about three things: sex, drugs and rock-n-roll.

Rock of Ages tells the story of small town girl, Sherrie, and city boy, Drew, who meet on the Sunset Strip while pursuing their Hollywood dreams. Their rock ‘n’ roll romance is told through the heart-pounding hits of Def Leppard, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, REO Speedwagon, Twisted Sister and more.

TODD’S WORD: This movie was a perfect storm of things I do not enjoy: a cast that includes Russell Brand, Alec Baldwin and Catherine Zeta-Jones; musicals and 80’s hair bands…so it was no surprise I didn’t like it. Yeah, my wife (who LOVES musicals and 80’s hair bands) made me watch it.

JONATHAN’S WORD: I came into the film with the exact opposite attitude. I think Alec Baldwin is hilarious, I love 80’s rockin’ ballads, and I’m cool with musicals. The preview caught my attention, so I actually had high expectations, but was a little skeptical about how racy it would be. Initial reviews said that there wasn’t even any nudity… so my wife and I gave it a shot.


JONATHAN’S WORD: I think it actually was exactly what I expected: funny, great music… and waaaaaaaaaay too racy. It was like an episode of Glee, but rated R. Too bad, because the film was very well done. (And I want the soundtrack!)

TODD’S WORD: Well, if you don’t like musicals or Glee… like me… then I guess this was the wrong film to watch. But I’ll admit, the main characters (also the lesser known actors) are all really great vocalists. But it was less enjoyable when Russell Brand and Alec Baldwin were singing…especially to each other (I won’t spoil that scene… but… it wasn’t for me).

JONATHAN’S WORD: I found the vocals to be good all around. But even sitting in the theatre next to my wife… the racy content was just way too distracting. Some will argue, “The film had no nudity.” True, but technically, neither does the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, does that make it any less provocative? This film proves that you don’t need nudity to be alluring.

Sad that they had to include that, because the film offered so much more.

TODD’S WORD: It seemed a little too much of the same old thing: the typical boy meets girls, boy loses girl (because of a misunderstanding) and boy gets girl back.

JONATHAN’S WORD: I can’t argue with that.

TODD’S WORD: One more huge negative for me was the depiction of the church and the religious right. They are portrayed as hyper-conservative hypocrites with way too many skeletons in the closet.

JONATHAN’S WORD: Agreed. It’s always sad when all Christians are portrayed like this. I wouldn’t dare argue that these hypocrites don’t exist, I would just love to see a noble Christian character on the silver screen every once in a while. I know thousands… they never get any screen time.

TODD’S WORD: Rock of Ages is a classic hymn…but a terrible movie – in fact I’ll score it “a Coaster.” (And in case you are wondering, my wife didn’t like it either.)

JONATHAN’S WORD: Great music, funny, creative premise… but way too racy for me. Don’t let the “no nudity” lead you astray. Saying it plainly: this is one of those movies that would be difficult to watch without being drawn in by the sensuality. (I talk more about Christian discernment with movies here in my blog about the movie Looper.) I say, “skip it”… and buy the soundtrack.

There are several long sequences that take place in a “gentlemen’s club” and while none of the actresses are naked, they are dancing seductively in lingerie and revealing outfits. There are several “implied” sex scenes and plenty of conversations about sex.

As far as profanity goes, there is at least 1 F-word and 2 obscene hand gestures. There are over 10 sexual references and several other mild profanities.

Sex, drugs and the rock-n-roll lifestyle are glorified and there are no consequences for sin and poor decisions. In fact one character becomes an exotic dancer and her life actually gets better.

We both would definitely not let our kids watch this one.

Conversation Starter

  1. Even though we don’t recommend this film, if one of our kids (or kids that we’re mentoring) watched this film, here are some discussion points that you can use to springboard conversation about real life.

  2. Early on there is a scene where Drew has to decide between Sherrie and his dream of being a rock star. Do you remember what he decided?

  3. Why do you think he made that decision?

  4. Do you think he regretted it? Why?

  5. READ Mark 8:36

      What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

    In your own worlds, what is this verse saying?

  6. What are some examples from your life where this question would apply?

  7. What are some things we can do to ensure we make the right decision?


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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