Movie Reviews

Remaining, The (1/27/2015)

Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of terror, violence and destruction throughout, and thematic elements.

Starring Johnny Pacar, Shaun Sipos, Bryan Dechart, Alexa PenaVega, Italia Ricci, John Pyper-Ferguson and Liz E. Morgan

Directed by Casey La Scala (The Grind)

Dynamic ImageThis low-budget film is has a big budget payoff.

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The Remaining is an action-packed supernatural thriller that addresses questions of life, love and belief against an apocalyptic backdrop. A group of close friends gather for a wedding, but the celebration is shattered by a series of cataclysmic events and enemies foretold by biblical end-times prophecies. The Remaining: Dan, Skylar, Tommy, Jack, Allison and Sam face a horrifying, uncertain future as they fight for their lives. Who will survive?

The Remaining is kind of a mash-up between a disaster movie, horror-thriller, and faith-based entertainment. And it is scary, intense and very entertaining.

Director Casey La Scala’s version of Judgment Day is a little different from the other Rapture films like Left Behind and others…it’s also so much better than those films. Instead of seeing bodies disappearing, the souls are separated from their bodies — leaving behind an unsettling abundance of corpses, and triggering a series of cataclysmic events. The news reports of what is called “Instant Death Syndrome” is both troubling and believable.

The cast of 20 something’s face earthquakes, ominous thunder, downpours of fire and ice, and horrifying winged demons that have been set loose on mankind. Along the way they encounter an increasingly terrifying amount of danger and suspense while decreasing in numbers.

Those who remain have to wrestle with questions about who they are, what has happened and what the future holds. This also forces the audience to wrestle with the same questions.

In one particular scene, Skylar says, “I shouldn’t be here, I went to church. I did everything right.” Not surprisingly, she is among the first to have a close encounter with something satanic.

I have to admit I was really impressed with the special effects. Understand this is a low budget film so the director relied heavily on the power of the audiences’ imagination. So instead of clearly seeing the demons, we see glimpse of them and hear them…it was really powerful. There is also a very realistic depiction of a post-Rapture landscape littered with crashed aircraft and demolished buildings. Take note Left Behind…take lots of notes.

The Remaining is less-preachy than other films, but it’s still preachy…especially in the third act by preacher John Pyper-Ferguson.

While I did not agree with every bit of theology, I was impressed with the film and excited to see a biblical “end of days” film done this well…it is definitely worth a “Rental.”

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Older teens should definitely see this one. It’s pretty intense and a little on the frightening side, but the message is there.

There is no sex or nudity or language, but there are several scenes of violence and disturbing images.


  1. Why was Skylar surprised to be left behind?
  2. Based on her understanding, what makes a person a “Christian”?
  3. According to the Bible, what makes a person a “Christian”?
  4. If the rapture were to happen tonight, what do you believe would happen?

Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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