Movie Reviews

November Man, The (11/25/2014)

Rated R for strong violence including a sexual assault, language, sexuality/nudity and brief drug use.

Starring Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko, Luke Bracey, Will Patton and Caterina Scorsone

Directed by Roger Donaldson (the Recruit and The Bank Job)

Dynamic ImageThe November Man is just another “dime-a-dozen” spy film with no real payoff.

Code named ‘The November Man’, Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) is a lethal and highly trained ex-CIA agent, who has been enjoying a quiet life in Switzerland. When Devereaux is lured out of retirement for one last mission, he must protect valuable witness, Alice Fournier, (Olga Kurylenko). He soon uncovers this assignment marks him a target of his former friend and CIA protégé David Mason (Luke Bracey). With growing suspicions of a mole in the agency, there is no one Devereaux can trust, no rules and no holds barred.

Todd’s Word: As a director Roger Donaldson has made some pretty good films and some pretty bad ones. Scanning his resume, I’d have to say November Man is not one of his better films.

Jonathan’s Word: I love movies and I often follow directors so I know when to look for something good releasing. I’ve seen some of Roger Donaldson’s films over the years… and honestly… I’ve never looked forward to the next Roger Donaldson release.

Todd’s Word: You didn’t like The Recruit?

Jonathan’s Word: I liked last week’s TV episode of The Walking Dead, Blue Bloods and Hell on Wheels ALL better than Roger Donaldson’s best movie.

Todd’s Word: That’s funny.

Jonathan’s Word: Plus, the guy is really into gratuitous “eye candy.” I guess that’s what you have to do when you lack good filmmaking. You need to show Kim Basinger naked (The Getaway), Natasha Henstridge naked (Species), or a whole film about porn and sex scandal (The Bank Job)… the dude knows sex sells. He ain’t afraid to pull that card.

Todd’s Word: The film was lacking. Spy thrillers are supposed to be exciting, action packed films that keep you guessing all the way through. There should also be some sort of “thrilling” aspect to the thriller. Unfortunately, The November Man never really get on track, instead it jumps from one country to another without much reason or explanation and most of the twists can be seen a mile away.

Jonathan’s Word: I wanted it to work. The preview even made it seem like another Bourne film. But you’re right. It didn’t. The best scenes were in the previews.

Todd’s Word: The film also fails to properly introduce characters, but it doesn’t really matter, because this film is a one man show right from the start. And even though that one man is Pierce Brosnan, it just isn’t enough. A few years ago it may have been. But like other “action stars” his age, many of the action scenes are slowed down, hard to watch and just too unrealistic.

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Jonathan’s Word: Ha, I won’t blame it on his age. Age never stopped Eastwood, Hopkins, DeNiro, Pacino… the list goes on. Sadly, Brosnan just teamed up with a bad filmmaker here.

Todd’s Word: The story is fairly decent, tackling the difficult issue of human trafficking as a subplot. But the main storyline of the older spy mentoring the younger spy, who turns on him and tries to kill him, is simply overplayed.

Jonathan’s Word: Nothing New.

Todd’s Word: I was definitely looking forward to this one, but extremely disappointed when the credits rolled. I say “Skip it.”

Jonathan’s Word: Agreed. I was looking at my watch during this one. “Skip it.”

No, I would not let teenagers watch this one. Much of the films plot has to do with human trafficking and girls being forced into prostitution so there are several sexual references. There is a scene at a strip club featuring several topless women and photos of two people having sex.

There is a sex scene between two of the main characters and a scene of a 15-year-old girl being raped. The scene is vague, with nothing showing, but obvious what is happening.

There is plenty of violence in this film as well… from hand-to-hand combat, to gunfights, to explosions.

The F-word is used several times and there are even more, milder profanities.


  1. Why is Peter Devereaux called the November man?
  2. What does the Bible say about killing?
  3. Jesus realized that many people aren’t ‘killers’… but he addressed them about something a little closer to home.

    Read Matthew 5:21-22

      21 “You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’ 22 But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.

    What does Jesus compare anger to? Why would out of control anger be just as bad?

  4. Why does Jesus care about our “inside” thoughts as much as our outside actions?
  5. When was the last time you said you hated someone or felt hatred for someone?
  6. What can you do this week to love that person, instead of hating them?

Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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