Main Point: Have fun and get kids used to sharing in a small group format
1. Youth Challenge or Game props
2. A Koosh
3. Koosh questions
Students Arrive:
- make them feel welcome
- learn names and interests
- give new people a New Person Form
Bring it Together: (about 15 minutes after start time)
“Hey, glad to see you all here. Welcome to INSERT NAME OF YOUTH GROUP!”
Introduce New People:
Give students a Blow-pop, Skittles, or Snickers bar, etc.
Youth Challenge:
Choose an upfront game from our “Up-front Games” list (CLICK HERE)
Invite two students to volunteer and challenge one another. (Soda Slam, Surgical Glove Blow-up, Joust, or just a burp contest. Be creative!)
Upcoming activities, events
You can choose games from the game list (CLICK HERE).
Break into small groups:
“The Koosh Discussion”
You simply break into small groups and introduce the small group rules. You then hold up a “koosh” (this could be a koosh ball, any ball for that matter, a glove . . . anything! Just call it a “koosh”) Tell them that the only one that talks is the one with the koosh. Read the koosh questions (below) and throw the koosh to someone. They answer the question and pass the koosh on to someone else. Let each question be answered by several people. Make sure everyone gets the koosh at least a couple times.
Important: the questions are set up for agree disagree- so you need to always ask why- to promote discussion
Wrap Up:
The youth group “we are here for ya!” talk (Thanks for coming; Ton's of fun stuff coming up that we hope you can come to)
“For those of you that are new to our youth group, we are here for you guys. We want you to have a place to come, be heard and express yourself. We'll always have a great time- sometimes we'll talk about things that are important to you- like friendship, family, and the choices you make in life and how they effect you- and we're here for you to help you if you want it. Sometimes these talks will lead to discussions about God. . . and that's okay. Each of our staff believe in God and have a relationship with him. Don't worry- that doesn't mean anything funky- we won't pound on your head with Bible's or make you sell flowers in airports or anything; we just think a relationship with God is very important and if you would like to ask us about that we'd love to talk to you about that. But most of all we're here for you and we're gonna have a blast this year- starting next week for free root beer floats- we're gonna hand out fliers right now so you can bring your friends next week. Everybody gets free root beer floats.
See you next week!!!”
(good for a first club)
1. Love is a feeling.
2. It's Okay to have sex if you love a person.
3. Aids has no effect on my sexual life.
4. Friends should never fight.
5. Families should never fight.
6. Relationships (dating) in high school last a long time.
7. Friendships in high school last a long time.
8. My parents don't know what I am going through in my life.
9. Parents should have the final say in family matters.
10. Family should be closer than your best friend.
11. Families don't spend enough time together.
12. Families don't spend enough time talking about things that matter.
13. The pursuit of money destroys families the most.
14. Divorce is due to people “falling out of love”
15. Divorce is the fault of the kid(s).
16. When I have a family, I well do things a lot differently.
17. Gangs are a result of families not being there for kids.
18. Growing up with only one parent is no big deal.
19. Condoms are effective in preventing AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
20. My parents are proud of me.
21. What I need most in my life right now is…
22. What I need most in a dating relationship is…
23. A real man is a man who…
24. A real woman is a woman who…
25. It is impossible to abstain from sex till marriage.
26. If I could have one wish, I would wish for…
27. If there was a god and I could ask him one question, I would ask…
28. If I could say one thing to God, I would say…
29. When I die, what happens to me?
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.