Movie Reviews

Into The Storm (11/18/2014)

Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense destruction and peril, and language including some sexual references.

Starring Richard Armitage, Sarah Wayne Callies, Jeremy Sumpter, Nathan Kress and Matt Walsh

Directed by Steven Quale

Dynamic ImageIn the span of a single day, the town of Silverton is ravaged by an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes. The entire town is at the mercy of the erratic and deadly cyclones, even as storm trackers predict the worst is yet to come. Most people seek shelter, while others run towards the vortex, testing how far a storm chaser will go for that once-in-a-lifetime shot.

Told through the eyes and lenses of professional storm chasers, thrill-seeking amateurs, and courageous townspeople, Into the Storm throws you directly into the eye of the storm to experience Mother Nature at her most extreme.

In 1996 a tornado film called Twister was released and audiences loved it. Between a great cast and flying cows, Twister was fun, thrilling and very entertaining. Unfortunately, Into the Storm is a lesser film in every area.

The cast has a few faces that are relatively familiar (Lori from The Walking Dead and that “one guy” from that “one movie”). But even if you recognize them, the script doesn’t give you a reason to like them… in fact they are pretty forgettable.

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I wish the characters were the only problem, but the story is a pretty big letdown too. Besides some gaping holes in the plot, there are far too many unrealistic elements of the storm. And while I readily admit I am not a meteorologist, it felt like I would be able to do a better job predicting the weather with the weather app on my iPhone then this crew could do with all their expensive equipment.

One of the things that made Twister so great were the special effects. The tornados looked real and they kept you on the edge of your seat. The effects in Into the Storm tried to go bigger, but ended up feeling way too unrealistic. Plus the blatant rip off of the cow flying by the windshield scene was just one more reminder that I was not watching a far better tornado film.

I “Skip it” to this one… and go rent Twister.

Should Kids See It?
There is no sex or nudity and the language is fairly mild for a PG-13 film.

The storm sequences are violent and deadly; each one leaves more devastation to buildings and people. Also there are a few characters who die, sometimes horrifically, during the storms, especially those who are swept up into a tornado vortex.

Conversation Starter:

  1. What did you think of the tornados?
  2. What was the worst weather you’ve ever experienced?
  3. Were you anxious or afraid?
  4. Read Job 28:25-27

      When God divided out the wind and the water, and when he decided the path for rain and lightning, he also determined the truth and defined wisdom.

  5. According to this passage who controls the weather?
  6. If God is more powerful than the weather, do you see how he is bigger than anything you are facing? What is one thing you need to talk to God about tonight?


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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