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eZine 10.10.2000

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Need Volunteers
How to Recruit Volunteers that Last

by Jonathan McKee
October 10, 2000

We’re glad to provide you with effective resources, programs, games, events, discussions, and ideas! Whether you are a volunteer, a youth leader, a youth pastor, or the Pope, you can use these practical tools to help your ministry.

You know that Jonathan’s Resources exists to provide resources to youth workers! As I always say, “let’s not waste time . . . everyone needs good resources- here’s one.”

Need Volunteers How to Recruit Volunteers that Last

In July of 1998 I walked into the office to find a file in my mailbox with a note from “the powers that be.” Our ministry had lost a staff member, leaving a gap that needed to be filled. A jr. high campus had opened their doors to a campus outreach- an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. They wanted me to pick it up and run with it. So there I was with only a month and a half to build a staff, secure the facility and meet some kids. I looked through the file and the biggest hurdle was staring me in the face: only one existing staff member. I needed some volunteer staff immediately!

Ever needed volunteers? What do you do? Is it possible to build a staff quickly? The good news I have to tell you is that I had a weekly staff of eight people by that September and throughout the entire school year. Building a staff might be very hard for us . . . but it’s very easy for God.

3 Foundational Truths You Need to Know Before You Build a Volunteer Staff Team
1. You Got No Skills!
The first fact we need to know is that we can’t do it on our own. I don’t care how talented or gregarious you are- don’t forget that God’s the one who is going to build your staff- you’re just the one lucky enough to be a part of what God is doing! Remember, Psalm 127:1 reads Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Don’t get caught building the house on your own.

2. Remind God What He Said!
When I needed volunteers desperately, I took it upon myself to remind God what he wrote in Matthew 9:37-38. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. [38] So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields.” Jesus tells us to ask God to send us workers. We need to depend on Him to make this process happen. Prayer will remind us that he is in charge- and that he has promised to meet our needs in this area. Now we don’t have to worry!

3. Get Off Your Butt!
There are those people who love to sit around and wait for someone to knock on the door. They might ask for prayer or even pray themselves, hoping to hear someone knock on the door. Very often no one knocks. Did Noah build an ark or did God drop it from the sky? Did the Israelites collect the manna or wait for it to be delivered to their door? Did Jesus walk around and recruit his disciples or wait for them to come knocking? What’s the common denominator here? God is the one that provides, but we’ve got to use the knowledge, skills and abilities he’s given us to do his work. He’ll do His part- we’ve got to do our part. So what’s our part?

O u r P a r t

1. Brainstorm: Write down the name of everyone you know who has the following qualifications:
    A. They have a pulse.
    B. You think God is #1 in their life.

2. Invite: Invite them to help you in your ministry ONCE in a small way. It’s that simple. Don’t try to get them to join your staff for 5 years. Don’t give them a theology exam. Just tell them you really need help scooping ice cream this Wednesday. You want them to see what God’s doing in the ministry so they can become excited about it.

3. Evaluate: I have made the mistake of skipping this step several times, a few which have ended in catastrophe. Before asking someone if they want to help regularly, you MUST evaluate if they are ready to be used by God. Remember- your requirements so far have been pretty slim. Now you need to find out if this old friend of yours is in the middle of an ugly divorce, has started drinking heavily or enjoys killing small furry animals with a crowbar! You need to screen this person. I like taking people to lunch and shooting the breeze, asking about their relationship with God and how they think God can use them. See if they meet the leadership qualifications outlined in I Timothy 3.

4. Invite Back: Invite them back again, this time with the question in their mind, “Does God want to use me in this ministry?” Don’t ask for a commitment right then- just get them to come visit again with the understanding that you want to talk to them afterwards and see what God laid on their heart to do.

That’s it. The Lord of the harvest has got big things planned for your ministry. Trust in Him and be diligent with the ability and knowledge he’s given you.

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Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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