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![]() | Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
- Featured: Teen Choice Awards?Jonathan’s Blog chimes in before and after this event providing a glimpse of our youth culture
- New Podcast: In the Minds of Our “Good” Kids-A Brand New Podcast Where Five Church Kids Talk to Jonathan About Life in Raw Terms
- Training Opportunity: Jonathan’s Connect Workshop- Coming to South Bend INDIANA this weekend, then TX, CA and GA
If you aren’t a subscriber of this EZINE and would like to subscribe – it’s free – just pop on and sign up in the upper right hand corner. |
It’s fun, it’s informative, it’s gritty… it’s Jonathan’s Blog.

Yesterday, Jonathan blogged with his predictions about this year’s show?
Posted on Monday, August 10, 2009 12:03 PM
Every year I watch three TV award shows that provide a pretty accurate glimpse of our current youth culture: the MTV Movie Awards, the Teen Choice Awards, and the MTV Video Music Awards.
This year we already caught a glimpse from the MTV Movie Awards- a rather revealing glimpse (Click here for my summary of that show). MTV’s VMA’s are just around the corner (September 13th). The Teen Choice Awards air tonight, Monday, August 10, on FOX.
What do I expect from this year’s Teen Choice Awards?
My pre-show thoughts?
This morning, after watching the show, Jonathan blogged again with his two cents?
In this podcast, The Source invites you to get a perspective on life from the vantage point of a “church kid.” Everything from music, to sexting, to discipleship, to internet pornography is covered in this podcast. Listen in as Jonathan and Andy are joined by five Christian teenagers who talk about life in raw terms.
Listen to it now for free on iTunes! (CLICK HERE) Or, if you don’t have iTunes already… jump on Apple’s web page for a free download, then click on our podcast page.
Jonathan: So let’s talk about some of these pressures. Lately there’s been an abundance of articles, even like 60 Minutes specials on this trend called sexting. That’s, of course, where you send sexually explicit text messages or even naked or sexually revealing pictures of yourself. Have any of you guys witnessed this or received any of these messages? I mean, do you see this as a trend at your school or your social groups? Do our “good kids” face this?
OK, Alec’s got his hand up. (Alec, Jonathan’s 16-year-old son was introduced earlier in the podcast)
Alec: Don’t worry dad, I haven’t actually sexted, but I do have a friend who has sexted. I’m not gonna lie; it wasn’t a temptation because it wasn’t me, number one, and two, it was personally really annoying cause we were playing video games and he’d stop like every five minutes, and he’d be like, “Ohhhh,” in the corner and I’d be like, “What are you doing?” and he was all, “I’m texting my girlfriend.” And then later I found out that he wasn’t just texting his girlfriend!
Jonathan: So, you’ve seen it with certain friends?
Alec: Yes, but I haven’t like seen it firsthand or anything.
Jonathan: And that was, I guess you could say, “explicit messages” to each another. It wasn’t like sending pictures?
Alec: No, there were pictures.
Jonathan: Oh, OK. Alright. So, anybody else had any experience with that?
Haley: (a home-schooled kid introduced earlier in the podcast) Um, my friend who actually goes to church sexted with two guys that she met once and her boyfriend, so, and you know, I was there….
Jonathan: Words or pictures?
Haley: Both.
Jonathan: OK.
Haley: Yeah and she was like, “Haley, c’mon, c’mon.”
Jonathan: Cause she wanted you to just look at them, or she wanted you to actually send the message, or what? What’s the pressure?
Haley: I have no idea. It was probably both. I felt it was both.
Episode Highlights:
- Hear teens talk about what it means to “follow Christ” these days
- Find out why Alec can’t use iTunes
- Catch a glimpse of the biggest struggles teens face
- Listen to what these kids wish their parents would teach them
- Discover the topics teens need discussed in youth ministry settings

August 15, 2009 (South Bend, INDIANA)
“Connect” Training Seminar
What: | This Saturday workshop equips youth workers, both paid and volunteer, to initiate contact with today’s teenagers. (MORE) |
Where: | Trinity Church 61770 Miami Rd. South Bend, IN 46614 |
When: | Saturday, August 15th, 9 AM to 2:00 PM |
Cost: | $20 per person or $200 for your entire adult leadership team LUNCH INCLUDED |
REGISTER: Call John Ferguson at 574 291-4741
September 19, 2009 (Galveston, TX)
MOVE Training Event, Moody Methodist Church
What: | Jonathan is teaching three sessions at Moody Methodist Church’s MOVE Youth Leader Conference |
Where: | Moody Methodist Church 2803 53rd Street Galveston, TX 77551 |
When: | Saturday, September 19th, 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM |
Cost: | FREE! |
REGISTER: Jump on and click the MOVE icon on the left side of the web site, or call 409-744-2192
September 25-28, 2009 (Los Angeles, CA)
Training Workshops, Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention
November 20-23, 2009 (Atlanta, GA)
Training Workshops, Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention
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Copyright ?2009 The Source for Youth Ministry
All rights reserved.
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.