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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
- Featured: Convicted Rappers Speaking at School- Have Adults Given Up?
- An Idea You Can Use: Cinderella’s Closet-Ministry for Girls, BY girls
- Jonathan in Person: Jonathan will be doing his CONNECT workshop in NJ and WV-take a peek at Jonathan’s 2010 speaking and training calendar
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Convicted Rappers Speaking at Schools
What have we become?
That was my question when I first learned that rapper T.I. was speaking at middle schools as part of his community service. Apparently I’m not alone in my disapproval. Yahoo News gives us a glimpse:
Tom Myers, the father of four girls in the Henry County School System, said that if he knew the rapper and convicted felon was going to appear at his daughters’ school, he would have kept them home that day..
Myers shared with WSBTV a complaint letter he emailed to Oatts. “In the future, if T.I. or any other convicted felon needs to perform community service, ask for parental permission to allow our children to be exposed to these questionable individuals,” he wrote..
I touched on this in my blog last March when T.I.’s sentence (he was facing up to 20 years) was reduced to just one year and a day if he did community service hours by speaking to young people about gangs and violence. (Side note: he was out by Christmas. That’s a pretty quick year.)
Have Adults Given Up?
When are our school systems going to wake up and realize that we’re not helping our kids by allowing this kind of influence?
Let me be very clear. We– adults— are the gatekeepers. We have control who speaks to our kids. We have control who our kids listen to and purchase. We have control what music is played at our schools.
Last Friday night my 12-year-old, Ashley, had a track meet that took place at the local high school. Music was blaring in the ears of all the parents in the bleachers. When we were taking our seat, I Gotta Feeling was playing. Then, no joke, the next song was Eminem, then the next song Lil Wayne. You can’t imagine how relieved I was when a Bon Jovi song came on (I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to hear Bon Jovi before. But, heck, I’d take anything at the moment!). Was an adult in charge of this track meet? Why were we all be subjected to foul-mouthed perverts when all we wanted to do was see our kids run track?
Have we just given up? Are we– adults— supposed to just give up and, not only tell our kids that this music is okay, but play it for them! Are we–adults— supposed to keep giving these individuals awards and elevating them to “hero” status?
Are we so bankrupt on positive role models…
Other Topics Jonathan Blogged about Recently:
The end of the school year and summer provide excellent opportunities to serve the world so they might come to know our Savior. Here’s just one OUTREACH EVENT IDEA that can greatly impact young girls. It’s called Cinderella’s Closet, and it is a ministry for girls, by girls.
What we did was have people bring in prom gowns and dresses that they are no longer using, along with shoes, jewelry, unopened make-up, purses, anything that a girl would need for prom.
We then asked social workers, group homes, other pastors, teachers, etc to refer girls to us who would otherwise not be able to afford a dress and accessories to go to their prom. We opened up shop on two separate Saturdays. Each girl was assigned a “fairy god-mother” when they came….
This year I have already had several chances to do my CONNECT workshop and my parenting workshop. I’ll be doing both these workshops in NJ in May, and I’ll be doing a Saturday CONNECT workshop in WV in June. Take a peek!
“Connect” 2-hour Discipleship-Training Seminar
What: This Sunday-afternoon workshop equips youth workers, both paid and volunteer, in discipling today’s teenagers.
Where: Jackson Baptist Church
360 Bennetts Mills Rd. Jackson, NJ
When: Sunday, May 16, 2010, 3pm-5pm
Cost: Free
REGISTER: Call Jared Nicastro 732-928-0080
What: This Sunday evening workshop equips parents how to build biblical values into media-saturated kids
Details: 6-8PM, same place as above, Jackson Baptist Church, also free. Contact Jared to attend.
“Connect” Saturday Workshop
What: This Saturday workshop equips youth workers, both paid and volunteer, to initiate contact with today’s teenagers. (MORE)
REGISTER: Call Tracy Shingleton or Kim Hurt at 304 584 4758
Here’s a peek at my speaking/training schedule so far for the next 12 months:
at the following locations:
May 4, 2010 (Antelope, CA)
Youth Nite, Antelope Springs Church
May 15-16, 2010 (Jackson, NJ)
Youth Rally, Preach, Parent/Youth Worker Workshop
June 5, 2010 (Lumberport, WV)
CONNECT Training Workshop, Lumberport Baptist Church
June 13, 2010 (Rancho Cordova, CA)
Parent Workshop, Sun River Church Family Zone
July 4, 2010 (Rancho Cordova, CA)
Preach, Sun River Church
July 11-16, 2010 (Hordville, NE)
Covenant Cedars Bible Camp, Summer Camp
October 2-4, 2010 (San Diego, CA)
Training Workshops, Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention
January 10-11, 2011 (Boerne, TX)
Baptist General Convention of Texas, 2011 Ministers Retreat
February 4-6, 2011 (East Troy, WI)
Timberlee, WinterXtreme
February 12, 2011 (Antelope, CA)
Parent Workshop, Antelope Springs Church
March 27, 2011 (Lititz, PA)
Preach, Parent Workshop, Middle Creek Church
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“We have Jonathan do his training seminars at our National Youth Workers Convention every year and he always does a great job. Not only is Jonathan’s presentation dynamic, his information is extremely helpful to those in attendance. In fact, that’s why we publish his books.”
Tic Long, President Youth Specialties Events
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“Jonathan is an incredible communicator. He has what it takes to get tough with this generation. He is funny, committed, challenging, and he speaks with an edge.”
Jim Burns, Ph.D.
President, Youth Builders
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“Jonathan is a very talented speaker!.”
Ken Davis
Dynamic Communicator’s Workshop
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Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.