Main Point: Even though Jesus is the King of every king and the Lord of all lords, He wants to be personally known and loved by each of us.Discussion Starter: That’s My King!YouTube Clip: online pharmacy buy biaxin no prescription online pharmacy This video clip has made the rounds in worship services since its creation a few years...
Main Point of Discussion: Yahweh and Allah are not the same God, but a discussion about the differences provides a great opportunity to share our faith.Introducing the video: The discussion we are having tonight is based on a recent event in Grand Junction, CO in which a high school student quit his high school choir after being asked...
Main Point of Discussion: The death of pop music icon Whitney Houston is a poignant reminder that acquiring all the fame, achievement, riches, and admiration the world can offer doesn’t necessarily bring peace and satisfaction with life.Background: Whitney Houston was the most-awarded female performer of all time—and she died at the age of 48…all alone, submerged in a hotel-room...
Main Point: All Christians are called to humility and service, regardless of our position in life. Discussion Starter: The Faith of Troy Polamalu Troy Polamalu is one of the best known players in the NFL. It’s got a lot to do with his stunning stats; he’s held many defensive position records throughout his career. But it’s also got a...