Browsing Category:Training Tools

The following article is an excerpt from Jonathan's brand new book, Ministry by Teenagers: Developing Leaders from WithinA few years ago I met a young girl at my church named Heather. During Heather's eighth-grade year, she introduced five of her school friends to Jesus.Five friends!How many of your friends have you introduced to Jesus this year?Yeah, Heather has me...
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Twenty Minutes? What's so important about programming a 20 minute program? Good Question. Ask yourself the following: Do you effectively "draw" kids into your youth group? Is it difficult to segue (or transition) from your "draw" to discussion or teaching time? Do students have a reason to come back to your ministry each week?...
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When it comes to fund-raising in a down economy, giving the extra $20 at a car wash or bake sale might seem like a lot more to fork over than it has in the past. So what do you do to raise funds for your youth group when skinnier wallets seem to be held tighter? Go back...
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A Quick Note from Jonathan... A few weeks ago I read an amazing article written by a non Christian college student who went undercover as a believer on a missions trip with Liberty University, reaching out to the "lost" people partying during spring break at Daytona Beach, FL. After a few paragraphs I was hooked....
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Here are five Biblical facts that you can share with someone about a relationship with God. Each fact has a corresponding verse from the Bible to support it, a drawn "cliff-illustration", and a "Highlight." These "Highlights" are points that you should stress when sharing with someone. 1. The Plan God loves you and created you to have a personal...
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And I thought I had experienced disruptive kids! Carol Race can't take her son to church. One Sunday she tried... and the Sheriff was waiting at the end of her driveway. The church had filed a restraining order. But according to this twin cities Star Tribune article, Carol's son isn't your average 13-year-old. The Rev. Daniel Walz, who...
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Dear Small Group Leaders,Every time we speak to kids they have the opportunity to hear the truth. That is, if they're listening.How do we know if they're listening? can we give them an opportunity to really take in what we're saying, chew on it a little bit and digest it?Don't get me wrong—I love the "speaking" venue. But I...
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