Browsing Category:Training Tools

One of the most frequent questions I am e-mailed is "How can my youth group grow and reach more people?" 1.  P R A Y I N G:  Start by praying. . . and pray hard.  Ask God to increase your group size.  Sure we all say we pray . . . but do we really pray?  Take a...
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Millions of teenagers are apathetic about their faith, and their indifference greatly reveals itself each year when many teenagers graduate high school... and exit their faith altogether. It's a problem that every youth worker in every denomination acknowledges. In the last decade I've seen a growing trend to try to change this phenomena with new curriculum...
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Question: What do you do with an audience of over 1,000? Good question. It's not like you can roll up a newspaper and start playing "Newspaper Name Smack!" (one of my top 20 favorite games) Many people go straight to UP FRONT GAMES, which can be entertaining. But are there activities that involve the whole...
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Recently I've spoken at several events that were very well planned... until the altar call. Think about this for a second. A kid hears the Gospel and even has the guts to stand up out of their seat with the desire to make some life-changing decisions. They walk forward to the front of the room... and... Freeze. Stop...
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People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan!As I was previewing Jim Burns new edition of THE YOUTH BUILDER, I underlined this statement, "Vision usually isn't the thing that hinders most youth ministries: it's a lack of administration that sinks many of them ... in reality, a well administered ministry will provide more valuable time to spend with...
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Twenty Minutes? What's so important about programming a 20 minute program? Good Question. Ask yourself the following: Do you effectively "draw" kids into your youth group? Is it difficult to segue (or transition) from your "draw" to discussion or teaching time? Do students have a reason to come back to your ministry each week?...
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