An Effective Strategy to Get More Help!I've never met a youth worker who hung a sign on his office door reading, “No more volunteers PLEASE!”Let's face it, we all need volunteers? What do we do? Is it possible to build a staff quickly? The good news I have to tell you is this: you can build your team of...
Got volunteers? Getting them is one thing... but what's the trick to keeping them? Glad you asked. 1. TIME No- not the magazine- the other thing that we don't have enough of. Yes, no matter how you slice it, our volunteers take time. But think of the alternative. Either you spend 20 hours a week with...
"I love children's ministry---all of the creative parts of developing exciting programs, but I sure don't like filling vacancies. I hate that part of the job." "I have a passion for the pastorate-preaching, visioning, visiting and pastoral work. But when I have to recruit volunteers for our...
We recently received an email from our friend Joe that asks some great questions about discipline: I've struggled with disruptive and goofy kids who like to sabotage games, interrupt worship, and distract during teaching. Part of it's my fault: I've been a buddy, not a shepherd. Now I'm playing catch-up. Near the end of last semester I spent three...
Find a Purpose or Theme This doesn't necessarily mean that you need a discussion topic theme, like "Knowing God." This might just mean understanding your purpose, like "to reach unchurched kids for Christ," or "to bring out a large number of new kids to youth group and show them a good time." You should always know what your purpose...
One of the most frequent questions I am e-mailed is "How can my youth group grow and reach more people?" 1. P R A Y I N G: Start by praying. . . and pray hard. Ask God to increase your group size. Sure we all say we pray . . . but do we really pray? Take a...
Question: What do you do with an audience of over 1,000? Good question. It's not like you can roll up a newspaper and start playing "Newspaper Name Smack!" (one of my top 20 favorite games) Many people go straight to UP FRONT GAMES, which can be entertaining. But are there activities that involve the whole...