Browsing Category:Topical Curriculum

Main Point: Christians should treat all people with Christ-like compassion, but especially those who suffer with disabilities and/or handicaps. Discussion Starter: The Elephant Man…Is a Human BeingJoseph Merrick, also known as John Merrick, was an Englishman who lived in the late 1800’s with an unknown disease that greatly disfigured his face, limbs, and torso. He was so affected by...
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Main Point:Bring students in, show em' a great time and introduce your group! Supplies: New person forms and pens2 candles in holders2 cold ginger ales or mountain Dew's2 lighters1 box of twinkiesDodgeballs (if you play) Students Arrive:make them feel welcomelearn names and interestsgive new people a New Person FormBring it Together: (about 15 minutes after start time)"Hey, glad...
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Main Point:Help students make the necessary decisions that will allow them to have the future God intends for them.Leader’s Notes:For this agenda, you will need the following: Any supplies for the up front game/challenge (if you choose to do one)“Where I Want to Be in the Future” sheets for every studentPencils/pens for everyoneCopies of the Discussion Questions for every...
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Main Point: There are lots of enemies trying to tear families apart. The best strategy for surviving is by living in love like the Bible says.Discussion Starter: The Big Bad Wolf This discussion starter merges an old nursery tale with an important lesson. Divide students into groups of three people each and give each group a small stack of...
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Main Point: Help students consider life after death. Discussion Starter Options: CLICK HERE to go to our VIDEO CLIP IDEAS and The Bucket List discussion page for an example of how to use The Bucket List clip (in which the two dying main characters discuss the existence of God and faith).or online pharmacy buy super-kamagra online no prescription...
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Main Point of Discussion: Draw in students for fun and involve them in small groups for an easy discussion on achieving goals—leading up to the ultimate goal for believers in Christ, being sold out for Jesus and meeting him one day.Discussion Starters (Games!)Supplies Needed:Earth Ball/Cage Ball (a six-foot blow-up ball; see bottom of discussion for more details)A Shop Vac...
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Main Point of Discussion: To show what our heavenly Father is like and how He can be a Father to us all. Discussion Starter: Make sure everyone has a piece of paper and something to write with. Instruct them to fold the paper as if they were folding a letter for a regular envelope (tri-fold). Then have them fold...
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