Browsing Category:Topical Curriculum

Main Point: As brothers and sisters in Christ, we must affirm the value of one another and encourage each other. Discussion Starter: “Annie Jumped”This is a powerful story I’ve used several times when speaking around the country. It never fails to connect with lots of students because all of us have felt like Annie at some point or another....
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Main Point: Help students see the value of having and leaving a legacy in life. Discussion Starter: The Statue of Tim TebowRead the following article from It’s Like This.Tim Tebow is as famous for his Christian faith as he is his abilities on a football field. The quarterback attended the University of Florida, and during his time there, led...
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Main Point: Life can be difficult at times, but we never get God’s permission to react any other way than holy and loving. Discussion Starter: Attitude ImprovOK, for this to work, you have to use your leaders (adult or student) who are GOOD up front. This discussion starter will crumble if you use your introverts or shy folks who...
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Main Point: To understand our own self-worth, first we must understand how God views us—both as his creation and as sinners before him. Discussion Starter: (You’ll need tape, as well as enough paper and magic markers so there’s one sheet and one magic marker for each group member)Tape a piece of paper to everyone’s back. Have each group member...
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Main Point: Show kids a great time and get them to come back next week. Supplies:1. Pizza, Coolers, Ice, Cokes2. VCR, Projector Unit, Giant Screen, Sound System, Wheel O’ Doom3. Give away items- T-shirts, videos, toys, candy, scholarships4. Registration bucket, forms, pens, tables, chairs5. 2 Spam, 2 baby bottles, 2 sodas, 2 jars baby food, 2 cans of sardines,...
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