WARNING: This event can be dangerous if you don't use a totally "obstacle free" field. JUST ONE rock, sprinkler head, or sharp object in the ground can result in severe cuts, scrapes and bruises. It is up to you to use discretion when planning this event.Deep down inside, everyone loves to get MUDDY! If you have a piece of...
Get together with another youth group of similar size whom you don't know very well for this event. Take pictures of students from both youth groups beforehand and exchange them. Hand each student a picture of a student from the other youth group. Then, meet at a park, amusement park, mall or other public place and have students search...
Let's get ready to rumble!Lay down a huge tarp(s) and surround it with bales of hay or the like. Pour oats into the middle of the tarp and soak them with water. Let the water soak for an hour or so until it gets soft and gooshy. (Do not use horse oats...they tend to itch!) Then have a wrestling...
Divide the students into groups, each with a vehicle, and several quarters. Each group will be given the site of a place where they will find a pay phone. Each group will also be given one phone number. Throughout the night, that anonymous person will be their contact person. Once at the first phone, the kids will be given...
If this game is done right, it can be a decent fundraiser for your youth group.Divide club into teams - usually 2 teams. Guys against Girls or Freshman/Sophomore against Junior/Senior.Have each team choose a captain.Set a time period for the contest, usually four weeks. This allows competition to build over time.Whichever team brings in the most pennies by the...
Split group into teams. Make sure you have vehicles, and an oven for each team. The team will be given a list with several items needed to make a pizza. For example: 1 meat topping 2 vegetable toppings pizza sauce crust cheese pan (cups, drinks, plates, etc. can be added to make the list longer)Each team must go door...
If you have kids in your group that you just can't ever seem to feed enough to, this event "caters" to your needs. This is a new twist on the progressive dinner. Have 3-5 places to hit for snacks such as Sonic for a drink, Taco Bell for an appetizer, Subway for a main course, and Dairy Queen...