Browsing Category:Campus Ministry

It all began with one kid…we met him at Chipotle and then took him to church. That night Churchpotle was born! (But you already heard that in Part I of this post.) Now we have 25-35 students that are either picked-up in the church bus or meet us at the restaurant, have dinner and then are taken to church...
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Campus Ministry


One of the biggest struggles that campus ministries and para church ministries faces is how to connect the kids we meet at school to the church. Rule #1 of effective campus ministry is genuine service. That means being on campus to truly reach kids where they are… not just invite them to church. But let’s be honest, as relationships...
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Campus Ministry

Would You Join Me?

My phone buzzed and there was a message asking us to come to pray for a dying grandfather. I actually was aware of the situation already. Earlier in the week a Vice-Principal at the local high school had sent me an email about two brothers – Scotty and Chase – he knew we worked with and he was concerned...
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It's hard to not take vandalism personally. Our campus ministry portable looked like a hurricane had swept through it. The room was all but completely destroyed. The words “He can’t save us” dripped in red paint.But I’m getting ahead of myself.This particular ministry location is a portable on the corner of a middle school campus. The doors to this...
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For the past several years I’ve stopped by a particular teachers’ room each week I visit campus. I go to her room because she really has a heart for kids, her room is always bursting with needy kids and she loves the ministry we do. She, however, does not know Jesus.We’ve had some great conversations about faith and I’ve...
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I was talking with a local principle at lunch and a parent from the community approached us both. She saw me…knew I wasn’t a teacher and asked me directly, “What are you doing here?” online pharmacy doxycycline for sale no prescription pharmacy I froze, not sure how to answer and not sure if she was a friend or...
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That's what the middle school principle just called and asked me. In my article about How To Get On Campus I shared with you the concept of "under-promise and over-perform." Good practice to remember here. When I first met with the principal I told him I'd be willing to serve in any way possible. Well… he just quoted me...
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