Browsing Category:Ask The Source

Jonathan,I am a youth minister in FL. I am wanting to have a weekend with my leaders where we get away and have a time of worship and fellowship, but my problem is I dont have any money. I dont get much money from the church because we are so small and don't have it to give, most things...
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Dear Jonathan,My husband and I just took over a youth group about 6 months ago. So, this is all new to us. We have a youth group of approx. 15 people, but we have one student that is making it very challenging. She just began coming to this church about 7 months ago (she was in...
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Dear Jonathan,I'm in the youth ministry as a care-group leader to teenage girls ranging from 13 - 17yrs. Last week a few teens were with the technical guy who was setting up a new video projector in church and when he asked for a VCD to test the new projector, they promptly produced the only one that they happened...
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Dear Jonathan,I am a youth director at a rural church with 65-75 senior highers on a monday night in a cramped youth room. I'm getting to the point where I don't think I know how to lead a large group anymore. I need help! I want everyone to feel involved and a part, but is very difficult. I have...
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Dear Jonathan,I am a 19 year old female and the pastor's oldest daughter. I'm a junior at Delaware State University. I really do have this deep passion for young people. I am thinking about beginning a youth ministry that would meeting once a week regularly and then maybe twice a month doing a special activity. My question is seeing...
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Jonathan,We've just started forming our core group of students this year. Some of these students who signed up are now copping out of their leadership expectations such as consistent attendance. What would you do?- Jeff, Kamloops BC Canada -AnswerJeff,Thanks for the email- good question.When a student leader misses one of my meetings I always like to bring them in...
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