Jonathan,Do you have any suggestions on handling a student leader who has admitted to a cycle of porn use? He has removed himself from leadership for a "while." His parents are upset that I spoke with my senior pastor regarding the issue and feel that their son is being "punished" for coming clean. I have spoken at length with...
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Dear Jonathan,First, let me say thank you for your web site. It has been invaluable to me during my first year in youth ministry. Next, I have a question. I have been approach by a couple seniors that are wanting us to help them put together a prom alternative as they do not wish to attend their junior/senior prom....
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Jonathan,Oh man you would have thought that the end of the world had come this past weekend... during a small group discussion with just the older high school boys..the issue of dating came up... I told them personally I feel as though dating in America today has become a pretty dysfunction thing...and that it really sets teens up for...
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Jonathan,First of all I just want to say thank you so much for giving your ideas for free and for all the information you've got on your site. Thank You so Much! I do hope you can help me on how do deal with this. I just have one youth leader. But she is so busy that sometimes forgot...
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Jonathan,Man you are awesome and even though I don't know you personally, I Love You Man! Thanks for this site. I thank God for you constantly. I am about to go on a trip to a youth convention that will have about 22-23 thousand people there and I have a group of about 45 going. I am nutz about...
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Dear Jonathan - I'm just over a year into my first youth ministry position. I've tried a few parents meeting and they've just turned into complaint fests. The parents who really like me and will agree if I lead their kids off a cliff vs. the parents either who aren't sure or who don't like me, or I'm not...
Continue reading Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, August 1, 2006 In This Issue New "Top 10 Games" Lists: We Revamped Our Games &...
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