Supplies: Cameras and tripods for each group. online pharmacy order wellbutrin no prescription with best prices today in the USA This competition works better with larger groups. You can make this a class competition. (You usually want groups or teams of over 20 for this even to be a challenge.) online pharmacy buy atarax no insurance...
Supplies: Pair of pantyhose for each group.Great small group exercise. Divide group into teams of 4. Give each team a pair of pantyhose and explain that they will have 2 minutes to place as many personal items as possible into the pantyhose without tearing them (for example, wrist watch, wallet, loose change, etc). Each item should be...
Supplies: Large garbage bags, duct tape, and rope for each team.Give each group a certain number of the largest trash bags you can find, duct tape, and some rope. See which team can build a raft that is strong enough to get all of their team members across while keeping them dry from the waist up!Idea by...
Supplies: None.ONLY DO THIS if you have a pool wide enough that someone falling CAN’T hit the edge! Play this with guys in the pool and girls on the side. Guys stand back to back as girls try to walk across their shoulders - holding guys outstretched arms for balance - to the opposite side of the...
Supplies: Toilet Paper.It’s simple. Just see how long your team can keep one square of toilet paper in the air by blowing it. Team members are NOT allowed to actually touch the toilet paper; they can only use their breath. online pharmacy orlistat for sale with best prices today in the USA Give...
Supplies: A white 5 gallon bucket for each team.This team builder can be played indoor or outdoor. This quick game can be used in many different ways. Get as many white, 5 gallon buckets as you have teams. Turn the bucket upside-down. The object is to see how many of their team members they can get...
Supplies: A mattress and map for every team.This is a fun EVENT where teams have to carry a mattress a mile or two across town WITHOUT getting caught by STAFF HUNTERS. Let me explain.Arrange teams and drop each team off at separate designated points, each the exact same distance from the FINAL MEETING PLACE. Each group has one...