(New Song Pictures, 2010)Main Point of Discussion: Let God’s Word Change you! The Movie Clip: Let This Change YouTo Save A Life is a powerful movie about the real-life challenges of teens and their choices. But it's more than just a movie—it's a story about change and a powerful reminder of how we can all make a difference in...
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Ezine Archives

eZine 01.19.2010

This week we bring you a very special edition of our EZINE... we're going retro. 10 years ago yesterday, January 18th ...way back in 2000, I sent out my first EZINE from a little website I started at www.JonathansResources.com Any of you remember that? Jump on my...
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Rated PG for brief mild language.Directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller Starring the voices of Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan, and Andy Sandburg.Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is one pleasant surprise after another. Inspired by Ron and Judi Barrett's beloved children's book of the same name, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs follows inventor Flint Lockwood...
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Rated R for some brutal violence and language.Directed by The Hughes Brothers (Menace to Society, Dead Presidents…)Starring Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman…Probably one of the best films I’ve seen in the last decade!30 winters after “the flash” (total nuclear destruction of the known world) a solitary man roams across the desolate wasteland that was once America. Food is scarce and...
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Rated R for strong violent/gruesome accidents, language and a scene of sexuality.Directed by David R. Ellis Starring Shantel Van Santen, Bobby Campo, and Hayley WebbThe only good part of this movie is knowing that it is THE Final Destination. The fourth Final Destination movie brings back the production team of director David R. Ellis and writer Eric Bress (the...
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(Lost Boys of Sudan, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: Christmas is truly about the birth of Christ, but can others tell that by looking at our lives? The Movie Clip: Is Santa in the Bible?God Grew Tired of Us is a 2007 documentary about the Sudan Muslim government that pronounced death to all males in the Christian South: 27,000 boys...
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Ezine Archives

eZine 01.12.2010

TheSource4YM.com Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, January 12, 2010 online pharmacy topamax for sale no prescription In This Issue Training Resource:...
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