In case you haven’t noticed things are changing at a frenetic pace and we are living in times of uncertainty, chaos, and turbulence. Which means that we are going to see leadership emerge as the most important element of business and government. Leadership is an attribute that is highest in demand and shortest in supply. In this series of four sermons, we will examine how four resilient leaders thrived in turbulent times. They were not perfect, but they led and made a difference. This study has applications for all arenas of leadership: home, youth leadership, business, organization, government, and church.
He outlined six ways of being a leader in freaked-out times.
He faced the giant of intimidation with four courage builders.
He changed the course of history and a whole culture by the forgotten leadership skill he listened.
John the Baptist:
He faced his self doubt when success turned sour (he was in prison), and he got a lesson from Christ in the foundation of faith for leadership.
Theme: Leadership for Turbulent Times
August 4: Leadership for Turbulent Times (Overview)
Text: Ecclesiastes 8:1-9
Story: Solomon, in his message to managers, supervisors and team leaders, outlines six ways of being a leader for turbulent times.
Theme: Leadership for Turbulent Times
August 11: The Ability to Face Intimidation
Text: I Samuel 17
Story: The armies of Israel are facing intimidation, but David will not be intimidated. Their leader, Saul, is clueless. A young musician and shepherd steps up as the leader who will liberate a nation frozen in fear. In this story David utilizes four courage builders when faced with intimidation.
Theme: Leadership for Turbulent Times
August 25: Changing a Culture with Your Ears
Numbers 27:1-22
Story: In this little known story of Scripture, Moses demonstrates the forgotten skill of leadership how to listen. In this story we see how Moses connects with the people he lead. He listens to their complaint, takes action and changed a culture and paves the way for Christ to inherit the throne of David.
Theme: Leadership for Turbulent Times
September 1: Facing Doubt and Discouragement
Text: Luke 7:18-23
Story: John the Baptist’s success has turned sour, and as he sits in prison he begins to doubt his success, his calling, his ministry, his self worth and even Christ. In this story Christ sends the answer to disappointment and doubt.
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