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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
- Featured: Using Movies in Ministry ? Another YouTube Video in Our FOUR MINUTES Series
- What’s On Jonathan’s Blog: A Peek into Jonathan’s Blog?a regular dose of youth ministry, parenting help, and youth culture…
- Special Podcast: Jonathan and Todd deliver a Special Movie Review Podcast where they discuss their favorite films from 2008, their favorite movie clip discussion starters, their favorite films ever…
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Find out Jonathan’s five New Year’s resolutions… you’ll be particularly interested in number 5!
My Hot Wife and THE Best Cookie Recipe
Yesterday I went into the kitchen to see what all the clamor was about. The sound of pots, spoons and mixers… my spidey sense was telling me that cookies were being made. Sure enough, there was Lori (my smoking hot wife) in an old pair of jeans, looking as beautiful as ever… baking my favorite kind of cookies.
I get to see my hot little lady daily (although those old jeans had her looking particularly steamy). But I only get to taste these cookies once a year. I’m not sure why, now that I think about it.
She Blew Her Nose and I Liked It
I’m always amazed at the “perceived” value of things. Things like… a snot filled tissue. Yeah, that’s right. Currently, a snot filled tissue is on Ebay selling for over $2,000. Not any snot filled tissue, mind you. This is the mucus from the snout of the one and only Scarlett Johansson…
With Todd and Jonathan
If you’ve used TheSource4YM for long, then you’ve probably read some of our movie reviews from Todd and Jonathan. Right now you can catch them bantering in both of your ears as they review a movie together, share their favorite five films of 2008, talk about their favorite movie clip discussions, and share their favorite five films of all time.
Jonathan: Anybody who goes to knows that they can just go up to the top of the page at any time and access those movie reviews, and that’s something we’re always excited about. If you click on the ARTICLES AND HOW TO’s drop down menu, you see movie reviews right there, and you and I are the two guys that always do them. We don’t always agree, um, sometimes you have a bad opinion.
Todd: Oh! I was with you right until you said that.
Jonathan: Yeah. Exactly, but it’s OK for you to disagree with me all the time, cause it’s good to not only have a right view point, but a wrong view point.
Todd: Exactly. Well, I would encourage anyone listening to submit emails to see who they agree with more.
Jonathan: Oooh. That’d be good. You can just click the CONTACT US at The Source and let us know if you agree with Todd more, or Jonathan. Although it’s funny; we do agree quite a bit on a lot of this.
Todd: That is true.
Jonathan: That’s cool. Well, let me tell you where we’re going with this podcast. This year what we’re gonna do is review one film together. We like to do that, it will be live review of The Dark Knight, because that just came out here in December for rental, so we want to talk about that because I’m sure a lot of you guys have been renting it or will be renting it. Then we’re gonna talk about the five most enjoyable films of the year. So we’re gonna kinda review this year and which ones we enjoyed the most. This isn’t the five films that critics say are the best, but the ones we just….
Todd: Yeah. Maybe no awards for these films, but I think if you’re a movie person who enjoys films, you’ll want to check out our lists.
Jonathan: Yeah. Enjoyable films. Then we’re gonna go on to this year’s most disappointing films. You know?
Todd: Always fun to go down that road, isn’t it?
Jonathan: Yeah, we’re just gonna mention a few little ones we call “Coasters,” and then what we’re gonna do is…some people are sitting here wondering, “Yeah, but what can I do when it comes to movies and use for ministry.” So, we’re gonna do what is our favorite movies you can use for discussion in ministry, and lead you toward free discussion starters we have on our website from this last year that were our favorite. Todd is gonna share one of his favorites; I’m gonna share one of mine. And then just for the fun of it, I think we’re gonna each share our five top films from all time. Ever! Films ever made!
Todd: Yeah, and that is a much harder list for me to work up than the Top 5 of the year…
Listen to it this weekend for free on iTunes! (CLICK HERE) Or, if you don’t have iTunes already… jump on Apple’s web page for a free download, then click on our podcast page.
Wanna know what happens when two youth workers pretend to be movie critics? Then grab a bowl of popcorn and join Jonathan and Todd for The Source’s annual Movie Review Podcast. This is the only sequel that’s as good as the original! You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll be glad you listened.
Episode Highlights:
- The Dark Knight gets a full review by Jonathan and Todd
- Both guys share their most enjoyable movies of 2008 and lament the most disappointing films of 2008
- Jonathan and Todd offer youth workers some great examples of MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS that stimulate conversation in ministry
- Hear their Top 5 All Time Greatest Movie lists
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Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.