Ezine Archives

eZine 11.06.2001

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, November 6, 2001

In This Issue

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EX Rapper From the Secular Shock Group ?2 Live Crew?

Remember when the filthy-lyrics-rap-group ?2 Live Crew? went all the way to the Supreme Court to fight the censorship law?? All the hype began when the band?s song ?Me So Horny? hit the top of the charts and people finally took notice of the group that had been spewing forth filth for years.? Brother Marquis was one of the band?s lead members as well as the primary song writer.?

Last week Brother Marquis and I hooked up for lunch and he told me about his changed life . . . all thanks to the Love and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hard to believe?? Hear the whole story . . . next week!

THE GREAT MATTRESS RUN. Looking for Something Fun and New?

This is a fun game where teams have to carry a mattress a mile or two across town WITHOUT getting caught by STAFF HUNTERS.? Let me explain.

Arrange teams and drop each team off at separate designated points, each the exact same distance from the FINAL MEETING PLACE.? Each group has one mattress each. Their job is to be the first team to get from their designated point to the FINAL MEETING PLACE while the STAFF HUNTERS travel around in their vehicles ?hunting? them.

The teams are only safe from the STAFF HUNTERS when the entire team is jumping up and down on the mattress.? So the entire trek, they need to keep their eyes open for STAFF HUNTERS and immediately throw their mattress down and start jumping on it if they see them.? Teams are only vulnerable to STAFF HUNTERS within one hundred yards- and the STAFF HUNTER is the judge of distance.? If the STAFF HUNTERS catch the team within one hundred yards NOT jumping on their mattress, they can TRANQUELIZE the team by saying ?gotcha!? Then the entire group MUST lie down on their mattress for 2 minutes, or until the STAFF HUNTER releases them.

The first team to the FINAL MEETING PLACE wins.

Great icing on the cake:? provide every STAFF HUNTER with a person in their passenger seat with a video camera.? This footage makes a great video, edited and put to music the next week.
Idea by John Tempest and Jonathan McKee



THE GREAT MATTRESS RUN. Looking for Something Fun and New?

STUDENT E-MAIL NEWSLETTER: Easily customizable for your group

How would you like to send a well-written, fun, weekly e-mail newsletter to your students??and hardly do any work? Well, you can now with Youth Specialties’ Student E-mail Newsletter!

Each week the newsletter includes a short devotional or thought, links to cool Web sites, humor, and quotes. Then you just add in your messages: Meeting times, deadlines, announcements??whatever! Customize it however you want–add or delete content.

How much does it cost, you ask? How about nothing? It’s FREE! However, we will have sponsors to help cover costs. So you just agree to keep their short messages in your newsletter. (No, they won’t be spots for casinos! More like books or music Christian students would be interested in.)

A new issue comes to you each Monday morning. Sign up for your free subscription! See a sample and get more info:


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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