Ezine Archives

eZine 10.29.2002

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, October 29, 2002

In This Issue

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WE WANT YOUR STORIES! We want to know how we are helping you reach youth!

You hear from us every week . . . we’d like to hear from you! THE SOURCE is a non-profit organization with financial supporters who believe in you and want to provide you with FREE resources through our ministry. We want to encourage them with stories of the impact of those resources across the globe- so email us and tell us your stories! How have we helped you reach youth!

If we’ve made an impact on your ministry- let us know. We want to know when our resources help you lead a student to Christ, help students grow in their faith, or help you build up your ministry. We want to know when Jonathan’s speaking or training impacted you or your youth.

So don’t be shy, e-mail us at: story@thesource4ym.com


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"Hey, I want to thank you for this web site. I’m pretty new at this youth pastor thing (2 years) and I don’t know a thing. Every step I take, I’ve been able to find resources on your site. Most recently, I’ve been praying for the Lord to send workers because our harvest is busting at the seems, and after praying, I “accidentally” found your notes on recruiting volunteers. I did what you said- sat down, started a list of people I could possibly recruit, and I came to realize there is a huge pool of people for me to recruit from. God is using you. Thank you for your obedience to Him." — Lonny —

"At our Winter Retreat you made me laugh and you made me think. I was so blessed. I normally sit through youth services praying that my youth receive something from the message but when you were speaking, I found myself listening and being challenged. It was a blessing and my children and I will talk about it during our family devotion time." — Theresa —

"Thanks for that e-mail newsletter. Without boring you with the details, your words kept me from quitting my job. I love your newsletter and use your games and ideas frequently. Thanks for your help and especially your encouraging words. It’s a tough race sometimes but someone has to run it. Thanks for setting the pace." — Saunnie —

"Thanks again for taking the time to inspire us here in Ohio! You are a fine example of a “life well lived.” My boys will remember you for a long time to come…..we relayed your well told story of the “ex-blind man” last night at dinner for the benefit of my husband, who missed your speaking. Your articulate wit is truly a gift." — Judy —

"Thanks. I have been using a number of your resources since September last year. That’s when I started a youth group in St. Marys in Australia, a suburb of Sydney. With the help of your material I have gone from 5 kids to an average of 70 high schoolers on our Friday nite [sp] meetings. People Like myself need to be spoon fed, because I have a full time job running my own company and then doing youth, is big pressure. But this material makes it easy for me. I would like to personally thank you- your stuff hits the mark. WELL DONE!" — Reece —

Email us your stories at: story@thesource4ym.com

NEW STUFF YOU CAN USE! Even More Resources

Have you noticed all the new stuff on THE SOURCE’s web site? We just added two new staff to THE SOURCE and are adding more FREE resources for you weekly! Check out some of what we’ve added in the last two months:

New UP FRONT games: https://thesource4ym.com/games/upfront.asp

New SICK AND TWISTED games: https://thesource4ym.com/games/sick.asp

New EVENTS: https://thesource4ym.com/events/

New training articles on our HOW DO I . . .? page: https://thesource4ym.com/howdoi/

New talks and sermons on our TALKS/SERMONS: https://thesource4ym.com/talks/

The only thing for sale on the web site, Jonathan’s new book, "The Top 12 Resources Youth Workers Want": https://thesource4ym.comhttp://www.jonathansresources.com/Books/default.aspx

MEDIA UPDATE. Phil Chalmers Will Take a Stand On Howard Stern Show and the Montel Williams Show.

You may of heard Phil Chalmers speak or visited his web site at: http://www.trueliesyouthtalks.com Phil is a Christian speaker who educates students and parents about the influences of the media. He has interviewed many secular artists and interacted with them on numerous occasions.

On Nov 5, at 7:30AM EST, Phil will be debating Insane Clown Posse on the Howard Stern Show. Pray that God uses Phil through this incredible open door.

Also in November, Phil will be appearing on the Montel Williams show. You can catch details at www.MontelShow.com.

If you missed last week’s newsletter, you missed some
great resources for Halloween! Check it out:



If you have any other youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me at jon@thesource4ym.com

God Bless!

Jonathan R. McKee

Do you have a speaker for your next camp or retreat?

Check out Jonathan’s speaker page and who’s recommending him!


Jonathan R. McKee
for Youth Ministry


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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