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eZine 10.28.2008

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In This Issue

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Featured: Using a Frightening Movie to Talk About Evidence for God?M. Night’s “The Happening” With Mark Wahlberg

We know that kids love movies… so we might as well use them to jumpstart conversation about Biblical truths. Here’s a scene from a movie, brand new to DVD and video, that you can use to stimulate discussion about God’s existence. Just rent the film at your nearby Blockbuster or video stop, and use the following brand new discussion guide from our MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS page:

The Happening

Happening, The
20th Century Fox Home

Main Point of Discussion: The invisible God of the Bible has left visible clues pointing to His existence and desire to have a relationship with us.

The Movie Clip: Mr. Moore and Jake discuss ‘forces at work’ that are beyond our understanding.

The Happening is a 2008 apocalyptic thriller starring Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel. It essentially revolves around the mystery as to why mass suicides are taking place, and one of the initial clues is the disappearance of bees. (Click here for Jonathan and Todd’s review of this film)

Introducing the Clip:
Sometimes Christians struggle in their faith because of supposed lack of ‘evidence’ for God’s existence and presence. That fact coupled with the increasing worldview that denies the existence of God because he cannot be scientifically ‘proven’ has caused many Christians to doubt and even reject their belief in the God of the universe revealed in Scripture. Tonight we’re going to take a look at a scene from the film The Happening that is a great discussion starter around the question of ‘proof’ for God’s existence.

Let’s take a look.

BEGIN CLIP AT 6 minutes and 43 seconds. (Chapter 4)

Scene Script:
The Scene opens with high school teacher, Elliot Moore, leading his science class in a discussion about the disappearance of honey bees all over the United States.

(After Mr. Moore asks several of his students about their theories, he turns his attention toward Jake, a good looking student.)

Mr. Moore: Jake?

Jake: (doesn’t say a word, just stares blankly at Mr. Moore)

Mr. Moore: You don’t have an opinion?

Jake: (He shrugs like he doesn’t care.)

Mr. Moore: You’re not interested in what happened to the bees?

Jake: (shakes his head no)

Mr. Moore: You should be more interested in science Jake. You know why? Because your face is perfect. But the problem is, your face is perfect at 15. Now if you were interested in science you would know facts like the human nose and ears grow a fraction of an inch each year. So a perfect balance of features might not look so perfect five years from now. If might look downright wack ten years from now.

Jake: (looking distressed)

Mr. Moore: Come on Buddy. Take an interest in science. What could be a reason the bees have vanished?

Jake: (pausing for a moment in thought) An act of nature and we’ll never fully understand it.

Mr. Moore: Nice answer Jake! He’s right. Science will come up with some reason to put in the books, but in the end it will be just a theory. But we will fail to acknowledge that these are forces at work beyond our understanding. To be a good scientist you must have a respectful awe for the laws of nature.

Jake: How much does the human nose grow each year?

Mr. Moore: It’s miniscule, O.K. Buddy. Don’t worry about it. You’re gonna be a heartthrob your whole life. I was just messing with you.

Jake: (smiles and points at the teacher)

END CLIP AT 8 minutes and 59 seconds. (Chapter 4)

Transitional Statement:
This clip gets at the heart of what the Bible calls general revelation. In other words, the ‘forces at work beyond our understanding’ are really not beyond our understanding, and in fact they present strong evidence for a Creator God who designed the universe.

Divide into Small Groups:
Let’s go ahead and split up into our discussion groups, and then afterward we’ll come back together for a final word…

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Coming from Us to YouTube: FOUR MINUTES OF MINISTRY is coming soon…

As good as our podcasts are, we know that you’re busy. If a 45 to 50 minute youth ministry radio show is just more than you can find time for…

Then you’re gonna love

Coming soon to a YouTube screen near you!

New Podcast: Jonathan and Brandon Bring You A Brand New Podcast of Their Second Annual?Road Trip

Road Trip SPECIAL ROAD TRIP PODCAST #2 (10/19/2008)

Listen to it now for free on iTunes! (CLICK HERE) Or, if you don’t have iTunes already… jump on Apple’s web page for a free download, then click on our podcast page.


Jonathan: OK, we’re here at the convention now, walking around. And I think we’re gonna go ahead and start launching into interviewing people. And I got a good question in mind, so let’s go find some people and ask them questions right now.

(Jonathan and Brandon enter the YS Exhibit Hall and grab CPYU’s Walt Mueller)

Jonathan: Alright, I’m standing here with Walt Mueller, and Walt I got a question for you. If you could see one celebrity, one musician, some person that’s high profile in the media, if you could see one of them become totally sold out for Christ, who would you wanna see totally sold out for Christ?

Walt: Living or dead?

Jonathan: Yeah, sure.

Walt: Alright, people will laugh, but my favorite musician of all time, Marvin Gaye.

Brandon: Yeah, there you go.

Walt: Great song writer, great singer, brilliant social activist, but terribly conflicted about his faith, which ultimately led to his demise, but, yeah, Marvin Gaye.

Jonathan: Hey, that’s a great answer. Thanks Walt.

Walt: Alright.

(Jonathan and Brandon grab YS Director of Events, Tic Long)

Jonathan: I’m standing here talking with….

Tic: Tic Long.

Jonathan: Tic, the question I gotta ask you is, if you were to see one celebrity or musician become totally sold out for Christ, who would you wanna see that happen to?

Tic: Oh. Any one celebrity? I don’t really care about celebrities, I’d just like to see anybody sold out for Christ.

Jonathan: So pick a name.

Tic: Oh, who do I love? Shaquille O’Neal.

Jonathan: There you go. That’s a great answer.

Tic: The big fella. He could just slam everybody into the Kingdom.

Jonathan: I love it. That’s a great answer, Tic. Thanks.

(Jonathan and Brandon grab HomeWord‘s, Jim Burns)

Jonathan: Jonathan McKee from The Source and I’m standing here talking to….

Jim: Jim Burns.

Jonathan: I got one question for you Jim. If you could see any celebrity, music star, somebody who is seen on TV, whatever, if you could see somebody like that become sold out for Jesus, who would you see?

Jim: You know, this is a funny story, but it would actually be Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Jonathan: And why is that?

Jim: I was at a Laker game the other day and I actually saw him reading a Bible. I have no idea what that is, and I know we’re kinda messin’ around, but honestly, I saw him reading a Bible and I thought if that guy in the world of sports, when a sports figure makes a commitment to Christ and sticks with it, it’s amazing. And plus, I’m a Laker basketball fan. I realize I’m talking to you and you’re a Sacramento guy, but…

Jonathan: Hey, it’s not that bad.

Jim: But as a Laker fanatic, if Kareem Abdul-Jabbar would become a Christian, um, I would follow him anywhere.

Jonathan: Ooh. That’s awesome. And maybe Jack Nicholson would be next?

Join us for our second annual “Road Trip Podcast” with Jonathan and Brandon traveling all the way to Sacramento (a long drive, mind you) for the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention. This podcast once again features quite a few cameos from different authors and speakers you’ll recognize, as Jonathan and Brandon survey them. They also give you snippets of various aspects of the conference, a tour of the book store, and a few minutes of Jonathan’s new CONNECT seminar.

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Training Opportunities: Jonathan at the YS NYWC in Pittsburgh This Weekend


WHEN: This Weekend! October 31-November 3rd

WHERE: Pittsburgh, PA at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention

DETAIILS: Jonathan will be doing two seminars at this year’s convention, one on speaking to a generation with a short attention span, based on his new book, 10-Minute Talks, and then he will be teaching a 90 minute version of his Connect workshop.

Jonathan McKee Jonathan McKee, president of The Source for Youth Ministry, is the author of numerous youth ministry books including the brand new 10-Minute Talks, and the award winning Do They Run When They See You Coming? and Getting Students to Show Up. He speaks and trains at camps, conferences, and events across North America., and provides free resources for youth workers internationally on his website, TheSource4YM.com.

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine from The Source

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All rights reserved.


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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