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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
In This Issue |
- New video clip discussion starter. Lord of the Rings
- Bring Jonathan to train in your area in 2003 and pay no travel expenses. Get Equipped to Reach the Unchurched.
- THE SOURCE HAS EVEN MORE “IDEA-POWER”! The Source ? Expanding to Bring You New Ideas and Handle. New Additions to the Web Site.
If you aren’t a subscriber of this EZINE and would like to subscribe – it’s free – just pop on and sign up in the upper right hand corner. |
The Two Towers recently hit video, and the previews for the third movie are hitting theaters soon . . . so "Lord of the Rings" is on people’s minds.
Here’s a great discussion starter from THE SOURCE’s new team member Danette Matty.
CHARACTER: A Discussion from "Lord of The Rings-Fellowship of The Rings"
It’s easy, teenager or adult, to keep from attempting great things in life out of fear or insecurity. Often the opposite is not boldness, but character. Now and then it’s good to remind your students of the things that matter most to God about us: our character. This brief clip from "Lord of The Rings-Fellowship of The Rings," prompts dialogue about character, whether one is a popular athlete or an unknown, shy person.
Most students have seen "Lord of The Rings-Fellowship of The Rings," but be sensitive if you have middle schoolers whose parents may object to this film based on the PG-13 rating and/or frightening images (though none are in this particular clip).
Cue the video of "Lord of The Rings-Fellowship of The Rings" so your counter reads 0:00:00 when the New Line Cinema studio logo appears. Fast forward to 2:22:10 when Galadriel and Frodo are talking in Lothlorien. She has overcome her own temptation after Frodo has offered her the ring. Explain that this has just happened in the film. Now Frodo confides, “I cannot do this alone.” Galadriel tells him, “You are a Ring bearer, Frodo. To bear a ring of power is to be alone. This task was appointed to you. And if you do not find a way, no one will?” Frodo replies that he’s afraid. She assures him, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” End at 2:23:05.
Have note paper & pens ready for the wrap-up. If you have time, pre-print a hand-out on color paper.
(For quick basics of small groups check out Jonathan’s article:
1. What about Frodo’s character made him trustworthy with the Ring, considering that other powerful beings, like Galadriel, were tempted?
After letting a few of your students respond, you might say something like (if it hasn’t been said already), “Frodo, being small and humble by nature, was the most unlikely person to take on such a huge mission. But we can’t always determine the real value or ability of a person by their size or even their personality — not even our own.”
2. Frodo admitted he was afraid in that scene. Why wouldn’t fear disqualify him from taking the ring back to Mordor?
3. Are you afraid to do things you consider “bigger” than you? Give me some examples.
(You might hear surprising answers, but if not, suggest in question form, things like, “trying out for a sport you’re not that good at, trying out for band or a drama/musical, sharing Christ with a classmate, saying “no” to a temptation – maybe in front of others?”)
4. Let’s look up 1 Samuel 16.4-7. Here Samuel has come to Bethlehem because God told him he would find Israel’s next king (David). Someone (you could ask someone specific if you want) read these verses. It’s said that David was small and ruddy. What qualified him to do things for God that were “bigger” than himself?
5. What is it that causes God to look twice at a person to do great things for Him? What matters most to God?
After students have shared their answers, you could talk about David being a man after God’s own heart even though the Bible clearly exposes his sinful choices.
Talk about what character is – integrity, honorable distinction amidst apathy and, if time, what it’s not – personality, being well-liked.
6. A youth worker once wrote that in many situations the opposite of fear is not courage or boldness, but character. What kinds of situations could this be true in? Students may not get this at first. That’s ok. Don’t rush to answer; let them process it. Then, you might say something like, “It doesn’t take courage or boldness to make most right decisions – the day-to-day choices to show up, to be on time, to not cheat, to have a higher work ethic at your job, even though everyone else is slacking. It just takes character.”
On this piece of paper, I just want you to finish three statements.
#1 – The thing that’s bigger than me that I want to attempt right now is?
#2 – The part of my character I’m most secure about is?
(This is key because many people have a hard time complimenting themselves. Encourage your students that it’s important to be able to acknowledge both strengths and weaknesses.)
#3 – The part of my character I need God to help me develop is?
Give students five minutes to finish their sentences, then say something like, “Let’s go around and share what we’ve written – taking one statement at a time. I’ll start. And remember, what’s said in this circle stays in this circle?”
Affirm each student’s honesty, courage to share, or something else you see that you can encourage them in. Close by praying for God to help each student, specifically naming what they wrote down.
Find more video clip discussion starters on our MOVIE ILLUSTRATIONS page:
Once a year Jonathan does it. He offers to come to a U.S. City at no travel cost. You gotta love free flights!
Zondervan/Youth Specialties is publishing Jonathan’s new book, "Reaching Unchurched Kids." (coming late next year!) Don’t wait for the book- get the training now!
Usually, booking a speaker or trainer means a couple thousand bucks plus flight, car, hotel, food, etc. But in November or December of this year, Jonathan will do a training conference in one U.S. city for just honorarium- all funds go directly to THE SOURCE, helping us provide you free resources on the web. And, no travel costs on this one!
You choose the format: Train your staff and volunteers, bring together youth workers from your denomination, or host an area training for your local youth leaders network. Make the most of this opportunity and get equipped to reach the unchurched youth in your area!
Contact us at this email address if you want to take advantage of this opportunity:
Check out what others are saying about Jonathan’s speaking and training on this page: /speakers/jonathan.aspx
THE SOURCE HAS EVEN MORE “IDEA-POWER” The Source ? Expanding to Bring You New Ideas and Handle New Additions to the Web Site |
The Source for Youth Ministry exists to help youth workers reach youth. And a big part of our ministry is providing FREE resources to do that. Well, we just added some staff to help make that happen.
One of these staff is Danette, a youth worker who works at a church in Nebraska. Danette not only works with youth, she writes articles for various youth ministry publications and organizations such as GROUP MAGAZINE and YOUTH SPECIALTIES. In addition to this hands on ministry and writing, she will now be helping THE SOURCE add content to our web site. Danette will be writing articles & discussion ideas like the one above, researching cutting edge ministry tools & ideas, as well as adding the content that youth workers submit to our web site to be added. (Finally, some more help!)
So please, send us your ideas, so myself, Danette and THE SOURCE team can share them with everyone! Just browse through our games pages, event page, curriculum page, movie clip page, etc. and hit the button on top that says ADD GAME or ADD EVENT, or ADD VIDEO CLIP, depending on the page you’re on. We’d love to hear your ideas that you don’t already see on our web page.
If you have any other youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me at
Thanks for being an EZINE subscriber. Enjoy the free resource . . . and you know where to find even more free resources at
God Bless,
Jonathan R. McKee
for Youth Ministry
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.