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eZine 09.25.2001

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, September 25, 2001

In This Issue

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People always send me new game and event ideas.? Recently Christopher Charles Cole sent me a couple events and they were definitely worth passing on to you.? I think you will also appreciate his extensive planning- he sure puts a lot of energy into these.? You may not choose to do this much- but there are a number of good elements and ideas here to get your gears turning!? Enjoy.

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This game is a blast for the teens, but a lot of work for the Youth Pastor! A CALLER ID IS REQUIRED FOR THIS GAME!

#1- Canvass your town armed with a notebook, find grocery stores, bowling allies, shopping centers, bustrain station, etc. that have multiple pay phones and record the location and the phone numbers of all the pay phones.

#2- mix up the locations so that you have four different lists that list every location but in a different order.

#3- write clues to the location of the store, etc. where the multiple phones are located-and select the “correct” phone at each location

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#4- Match the clues with the different locations and “correct numbers” on your lists

After dividing your group into four different smaller groups give them all the first clue and send them out with a sponsor driving.

After they figure out the first location they go to it and they call the pastors office looking for the next clue, they call identify their team and the pastor responds, after checking his caller id to see if they are calling from the “correct” phone, telling them the clue or if they called from the incorrect payphone he says “sorry wrong number” the group then tries every pay phone in the place until they call from the correct phone.? When they finally call from the correct phone they are given a clue to the next spot . . .
the winner is the team who goes the quickest through their route.
Added by Christopher Charles Cole


Like a mall man hunt but with a twist!

Have ten members from your church that all the teens would recognize.
Then have them dress up as elderly people, punks, bikers, business people- anything really except what they would usually wear and look like!

Take a “Where’s Waldo” book and copy the front cover to card stock then cut it up puzzle style (use a different color for as many as you need for the different teams- 6 in a team is a good number) and give each of your ten “under cover” church members the same piece of every puzzle (they should each have a bunch of identical pieces but on different color card stock)

Have your people with the game pieces distributed through out a mall- give the teens a list with vague descriptions of the characters they are to locate- assign each team a color and send them out to find the adults to collect their puzzle first one to complete the Waldo puzzle wins!

We have a drama teacher on youth staff and he did everyone’s make up (age, wrinkles etc.) changed peoples hair color, provided costumes, some even got beards!
Added by Christopher Charles Cole

Need other event ideas?
Check out Jonathan’s newly updated event page:


HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT’S NEW? A New thesource4ym.com Web Site Feature

Since the beginning of thesource4ym.com I’ve always made “user friendliness” a priority.? Lots of resources, all for free, organized simply and easy to find.

One thing I’ve always wanted to do (and many have requested) is mark the new resources that I add.? Many of you catch new resources in this newsletter, but not every new game or event makes the newsletter.

Well, good ol’ Brad in Texas (my web guy) finally brought us up to speed with a “NEW” sign by every new game, event, etc.? In addition, he has a list of the new items at the top of the page which pop you right to the item when clicked.? Check it out- you’ll be seeing a lot more of them in the next few weeks.

If you have any other youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me
at jon@thesource4ym.com

God Bless!

Jonathan R. McKee


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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