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eZine 09.19.2007

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

In This Issue

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What’s New: The Top 10 Youth Ministry Resources accessed on THE SOURCE’s Web Site

We are all about HELPING YOUTH WORKERS REACH KIDS, and one of the best ways we do that is by providing you free resources on our web site. Take a peek at what’s hot right now!

Out of 163,556 page views last week alone,
here are the TOP 10 Pages that youth workers accessed:

  1. SKITS: Yes, believe it or not, our STUPID SKITS page is the number one hit page from our entire database of resources right now. We’ve been adding a gang of new skits to the page lately-so check it out. But remember- they really are “stupid” skits.
  2. FRONT PAGE: This last week our FRONT PAGE drew a lot of attention with the featured article “OUTREACH” THAT ACTUALLY REACHES OUT. In the next few months be looking for some great new featured sections on our front page with RSS feeds available to OUTREACH RESOURCES OF THE WEEK, SPIRITUAL GROWTH RESOURCES OF THE WEEK, and more.
  3. GAMES & ICEBREAKERS: Games were featured in the most recent episode of our PODCAST as author Les Christie shared his own “SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF GAME LEADING.” People have been frequenting our GAMES & ICEBREAKERS page in the last week, paying special attention to the two big “stars” near the top of the page providing custom game searches and top 10 lists of popular games.
  4. EVENT IDEAS: Providing more than just games, our EVENT IDEAS page supplies you with ideas for an entire evening-ideas we call “events.” So next time you are looking for something besides bowling or mini-golf for your youth group activity- jump on this page.
  5. CURRICULUM & JUMPSTARTERS: It’s no surprise that this page is in the top five. This CURRICULUM & JUMPSTARTERS page provides everything from OBJECT LESSONS, complete agendas (divided by outreach and spiritual growth), to SMALL GROUP ICEBREAKERS. This page is frequently added to. Once on this page, check out the OPENERS page for a new opener specifically for girls under the topic “Sexual Purity,” titled Everything That Makes Me Beautiful.
  6. SLANG DICTIONARY: A longtime favorite, the SLANG DICTIONARY has maintained in the top 10 for years now.
  7. MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS: One of my personal favorites is the MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS page. In the last month we added a few new discussions to this page including the discussion on regret/guilt from Shindler’s List, a discussion about Forgiveness/second chances from Ghost Rider, and a discussion about priorities from Pirates II.
  8. TEAM BUILDERS: Our TEAM BUILDERS page is one of the newer pages on the web site. These team building activities are more than just events that happen to have teams- instead they are comprised of ideas that uniquely help build teamwork. Check out “Dream Car,” a brand new team builder just added to the page last week.
  9. PODCAST: Our fun little podcast has been drawing quite a bit of attention in the youth ministry world lately. Our PODCAST page ranked #9 last week.
  10. TALKS/SERMONS: Our TALKS/SERMONS page offers ready-made sermons for those who like to use the sermon format more than the discussion format that pages like our MUSIC DISCUSSIONS and MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS provide.


Jonathan at the Youth Specialties NYWC: Catch Jonathan teaching two workshops at either the San Diego or Atlanta National Youth Workers Conventions
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The Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC) needs no introduction. This convention brings out the best in bands and speakers to equip youth workers to impact the lives of kids.

Jonathan will be teaching two different workshops at the San Diego and the Atlanta conventions this year. Check it out!


Getting Students to Show Up: Programming Outreach Events for 10 to 10,000: Based on Jonathan’s book of the same title, this training will challenge you to rethink your methodology when it comes to outreach. But more than that, Jonathan will show you, step-by-step, how to plan and execute a great outreach event, whether it’s geared for 10 or 10,000 students! If you’re hosting a citywide event or a weekly event for your church or local campus, you’ll receive plenty of tips and tools to ensure that your event actually reaches out and points people toward Jesus.


Reaching Out to Unchurched Teenagers: Do They Run When They See You Coming? Based on Jonathan’s book of the same title, this training will help you get into the minds of unchurched teenagers and then look at your ministry more objectively so you can see what proactive steps you need to take to reach students who aren’t making it to church. In this seminar you’ll

  • Learn the top five ‘beliefs’ that resonate in today’s postmodern, paganistic, and pluralistic society and have begun to creep into the church
  • Learn how MTV, movies, music, and celebrities affect youth culture and serve as a megaphone for these five beliefs
  • Learn three essentials for reaching out to the unchurched


Jonathan is also booked to speak at camps, conferences and events across the U.S. CLICK HERE to see what others are saying about this dynamic speaker.

Last Chance to Win Big Listening to Our Podcast: Episode #6 is your last chance to win BIG prizes like a brand new video iPod with the Podcast Summer Giveaway

Episode #6 is up!
Listen to it for free on iTunes now!
(CLICK HERE) Or, if you don’t have
iTunes already… jump on Apple’s web
for a free download, then click
on our podcast page.

A Peek at Episode #6- In this episode Jonathan returns to the studio with youth pastor Andy Matzke, and author, speaker and youth ministry game guru Les Christie. Andy is youth pastor at Sacramento area’s Sun River Church. Les chairs the youth ministry department at William Jessup University and is a member of YS’s THE CORE training team. One of his most recent books is the fantastic games book from GROUP Publishing, BEST-EVER GAMES.

In this podcast episode:

  • Les shares his own SEVEN SINS OF GAME LEADING, sharing some keen insight about how NOT TO lead games (and some insight on how to do it correctly).
  • In the “Youth Culture Window” section, Jonathan discusses the surprising content on the ABC “Family” Channel.
  • Jonathan looks at two amazing resources that you’re not going to wanna miss in our “Resource Highlight” section.
  • They close the episode by answering youth ministry questions in the “Help Me” section.


  • Podcast #7 will feature Timber-lee Camp’s Chris Radloff along with Jonathan and Furby. Chris will share the SEVEN SINS OF MANAGING VOLUNTEERS IN YOUTH MINISTRY
  • More from experts in the field like Kurt Johnston, Chap Clark and more!



Podcast listeners get special perks like THE SOURCE PODCAST SUMMER GIVEAWAY. It’s simple. You listen to the podcast… you have a chance to win any of these prizes:

A brand new Apple 30GB Black VIDEO iPod ($249 Value)

Getting Students to Show Up
Jonathan’s new book Getting Students to Show Up and the FINAL COUNTDOWN Event Resource DVD.

Gospel Journey Adventure Kit
The Gospel Journey Adventure Kit from Dare2Share.org ($199 Value)

The more of our podcasts you listen to, the more chances you have to win. Each of our episodes has a clue.

To enter, simply listen to any of our podcasts
and fill out the form on the

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine from The Source

Delivered free via e-mail to subscribers each week. We encourage you to distribute this newsletter freely and ask only that you not change its contents.


And for more FREE resources and ideas … go to THE SOURCE

Copyright ?2007 The Source for Youth Ministry
All rights reserved.


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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