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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
In This Issue |
- Featured: September is Your Last Chance- The Source iPhone Contest
- Spiritual Growth Highlight: Two New Podcasts talking about spiritual life AFTER summer camp-one podcast for kids, one for youth leaders
- Training Opportunities: Jonathan will be training this weekend in Michigan, and in the weeks to follow, in Denver, Sacramento and Pittsburgh
If you aren’t a subscriber of this EZINE and would like to subscribe – it’s free – just pop on and sign up in the upper right hand corner. |
Featured: September is Your Last Chance- The Source iPhone Contest |

The Source iPhone Contest: Your feedback is always worth gold to us. So we are giving you all an opportunity for your “two cents” to win you Apple’s brand new iPhone 3G!
It?s been fun letting you, our THE SOURCE EZINE subscribers, already get early “dibbs” on Jonathan?s new book, 10-Minute Talks. The book has been available over a month now, and we want your feedback! This contest is a little way to reward all of you for your comments!
What others are already saying about this incredible new book:
“Jonathan truly understands youth and how to minister to them. He also knows how to communicate Scripture to youth in high-impact ways. 10-Minute Talks is filled with messages that do exactly that.”
-Dan Kimball, author, They Like Jesus but Not the Church: Insights from Emerging Generations
“Working with junior highers, I’ve learned the importance of short, high-impact lessons. Thanks, Jonathan, for providing us with an easy-to-use resource that makes the tough job of writing talks a whole lot easier!”
-Kurt Johnston, Saddleback Church; author, My Faith, My Family, My Friends, and My School (from the Youth Specialties Middle School Survival Series)
“Few things have greater power than a story. Jonathan McKee has gathered some unforgettable stories that can provide a foundation for presenting life-changing truth. If you only have 10 minutes, this may be what you need to make every one of them count.”
-Ken Davis, author, How to Speak to Youth…and Keep Them Awake at the Same Time
“Spurgeon said that the first golden rule in holding an audience’s attention is to say something worth hearing. Relevance. That’s what keeps people riveted on the Word of God. Jonathan McKee shows us how to demonstrate the Bible’s relevance for youth. These talks grew in the soil of Jonathan’s experience (young people have real needs) and were forged in the fire of his convictions (the Bible has real answers).”
-Jeffrey Arthurs, professor of preaching and communication, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“Good, tight talks to teenagers are a challenge, if not an art form. Jonathan’s book not only supplies practical outlines and stories that make this task much easier, it teaches a way of thinking about talks that you’ll carry with you into a fruitful ministry anywhere. While there’s no such thing as a ?just add water’ resource, if you learn to ?just add context,’ this book will jump on and off your shelf like your favorite cereal!”
-Dr. Dave Rahn, vice president and chief ministry officer, Youth for Christ/USA
“If you can talk to kids, you can talk to anybody! I’ve always believed that youth pastors make the best preachers, and Jonathan’s book proves the point. His method and messages will help every communicator connect quickly, communicate clearly, and close effectively.”
-F. Bryan Wilkerson, senior pastor, Grace Chapel, Lexington, Massachusetts
Spiritual Growth Highlight: Two New Podcasts talking about spiritual life AFTER summer camp-one podcast for kids, one for youth leaders |
Have your students ever been to summer camp, came home all fired up for God and excited about worship… then three weeks later it’s back to the same ol’ rut?
The A Li’l Bit Podcasts are free weekly Bibles Studies to encourage your students in their relationships with God. This podcast presents God’s word in a real and relevant way. Nothing crazy, nothing too hard to understand… just pure truth shared in 10 minute “easy to understand” segments.
Jonathan: The Seven Sins of After Camp
Published: 9/6/2008
How about 7 Sins youth pastors usually commit
AFTER camp?
Check out this episode of our THE SOURCE PODCAST where we discuss why students typically “crash” after summer camp, and how we can be proactive to increase the impact of summer camp AFTER we return home.
Training Opportunities: Jonathan will be training this weekend in Michigan, and in the weeks to follow, in Denver, Sacramento and Pittsburgh |
WHEN: THIS Saturday, September 20th, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: Midland, MI (90 minutes North of Detroit)
DETAILS: Jonathan will be doing his Getting Students to Show Up Training Workshop. This Saturday workshop challenges youth workers, both paid and volunteer, to rethink their methodology when it comes to outreach. But more than that, this training will guide them, step-by-step, how to plan and execute great outreach programs, activities or events for 10 or even 10,000 students.
WHEN: October 9-13th
WHERE: Sacramento, CA at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention
DETAILS: Jonathan will be doing two seminars at this year’s convention, one on speaking to a generation with a short attention span, based on his new book, 10-Minute Talks, and then he will be teaching a 90 minute version of his Connect workshop.
WHEN: October 18th, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Crossroads Church, Thornton, CO
DETAILS: The Denver Youth Leaders Network is bringing Jonathan out to do his Connect workshop. This Saturday workshop equips youth workers, both paid and volunteer, to initiate contact with today’s teenagers. This training provides unique insight how to connect with kids one-on-one, equipping youth leaders with resources and ideas to help them reach the different kids they will encounter in this rapidly changing culture. Cost is only $15 a person.
WHEN: October 31-November 3rd
WHERE: Pitts, PA at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention
DETAILS: Jonathan will be doing two seminars at this year’s convention, one on speaking to a generation with a short attention span, based on his new book, 10-Minute Talks, and then he will be teaching a 90 minute version of his Connect workshop.
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Copyright ?2008 The Source for Youth Ministry
All rights reserved.
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.